Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Winter Is Here

…and it looks like it’s going to stick around for a while; well at least until the end of the week anyway. We may even see some snow on Thursday night.

There’s something screwy going on with this weather and I’m not buying into this global warming crap. Why? Because, while there were people lounging on the beaches around here last week, this week there were people ice-skating in their driveways in California, and half the oranges in the state were destroyed by frost, meanwhile fountains were freezing over in Arizona.

Even though I’ve yet to touch a snow shovel or even a broom so far this winter, I wouldn’t dare mention that to the people out in the mid-west, who keep getting bombarded. And even though it took this long to finally get cold here, it’s now about 15 degrees lower than the average temperature around this time of year.

So don’t try to convince me that this world is getting warmer Mr. Gore, cause it don’t look that way to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad you posted about it before I did.

A balmy 7°F out here in wmass! Mmmm! The furnace is chewing logs like tootsie rolls.