Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A Promise Kept

I’ve been putting up Christmas lights outside the house for 3 years now. The first year I didn’t take them down until the spring, it was almost Easter and the running joke was, as long as I get them down before Easter, it’s okay. I mad a promise to myself that I would not let it go that long the next year.

Last year I did do a little better and managed to get them down around the end of February. Better, but still not good enough.

This year, when I put them up, I promised I would get them down in January, and I did, I got them down today. Good thing there are 31 days in January because I needed all of them to keep my promise.

Although I made the promise out loud in front of dad, Penny, and Kyla, I really only made it to myself, but a promise is a promise no matter who it’s made to, and if a man don’t keep his promise, then he ain’t worth nothin’.

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