Thursday, January 04, 2007

Hero Defined

If you look up the word "hero" in the dictionary, the name Wesley Autry should be in the definition. What he did still blows my mind. I'd like to think that I would have done the same, but I can't really say for sure.

We all know that Mr. Autry did not do what he did for the rewards and accolades, he did it because someone needed help so he helped them. He may not think of himself as a hero and he may not like or be comfortable with all of the attention he is receiving. You could say that the talk shows and news outlets are going a little overboard.

Whether he's comfortable with it or not, or whether the talk shows are going overboard or not, I for one am glad that he's doing it. With all of the bad people and bad things that are going on in this world, and filling up our monitors and tv screens, we need a story like the one that Wesley Autry has provided us with.

He has become a symbol of what is right and good in this world and we need to know that he is out there, he has truly defined the word "hero". He deserves all of the accolades and rewards that he gets; which seem to just keep on piling up. Good for him.

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