Tuesday, January 30, 2007

New iPod

This morning I ordered myself one of these babies. There was nothing wrong with my old 30GB iPod, except for the fact that, at only 30GB it was filled up and I could not put anymore music on it.

When I first bought it about a year ago, I figured 30GB would be enough to last me for years. It turns out that years ended up being year, as in about 1 year, that’s how long it took me to fill it up. And that’s filled up with music that I like, almost 6,000 songs that I actually listen too. Each time I added a new album or artist to it, I would listen to it and weed out anything I didn’t like. There are probably a few stray songs on it that slipped through, but for the most part it is filled with almost 6,000 songs that I want to hear.

I recently took off about 70 Christmas songs just to make room for some other new stuff I wanted to put on it (I figured I had about 10 months to figure out how to get them back on for when I wanted them again), and I have an additional 400 or so songs on my computer that I want to add to it, but I no longer have the room. There is also some borderline stuff (songs that I wasn’t sure of) on my computer that I had to make some hard decisions on to make more room for new songs that I was sure of.

Yesterday I decided that I just couldn’t live like this anymore. I know, a year ago I was living just fine without an iPod at all, but things are different now. I can’t even imagine life without it.

It changed my music listening experience. Before when I wanted to hear something, I had to take out a CD and play it in whatever CD player was available, depending on where I was. Half the time I couldn’t decide what to listen to and I ended up not bothering to listen to anything. I would spend 5 minutes trying to decide what to bring with me for the 7 minute ride to work, or for the 10 minutes that it was going to take me to fold up some laundry in the bedroom.

Now I have speakers set up everywhere that I want to hear music and when I’m going to be in one of those places I just plug in the iPod and let it go. I don’t worry about what I’m going to hear, occasionally I want to hear a certain song or album, but mostly I just let it play through my 6,000 songs randomly. I love listening to music this way, it’s like having my own private radio station where there are no commercials, I’m always going to hear a song that I like, and if one comes on that I’m not in the mood for I just skip to the next one (which doesn’t happen all that often).

And it has to be ALL of my music, I know a lot of people love the Nano’s but for me that 8GB doesn’t cut it, hell the 30GB doesn’t cut it anymore. I need all of my music with me all of the time, I don’t want to have to try to decide what to put on it and what to take off. That would put me almost right back where I was when I was fumbling with CD’s and I don’t want to be there again.

Which brings me to where I am now, my trusty 30GB is full and I have nowhere to go but up, so that's what I've done. I’ve ordered the new 80GB and I figure that should hold me for a while. It also has some nice new features, the main one being the search feature which allows me to find a song easier by actually using the click wheel to type in the name of the song, or artist, or album.

So that’s it, I’ve put in the order for the new iPod and now I’m patiently waiting for it to arrive so that I can start adding all of my new songs to it and get on with my life.

1 comment:

flargh said...

I feel your pain. I too have a 30GB unit that's served me well for the last year, but this latest trip to SF made me realize that it's short of space. The proverbial camelback-breaking straw was video.

It had worked well enough to let me listen to my music -- at least most of my music that I care about -- carry photos of the family and play games, but then I started downloading video to it so I could watch on the plane with my Myvu goggles. And that fucked things up.

I'm seriously considering getting the 80GB too. But I think I can hold off a while longer, at least until Apple rolls out the next gen of iPods, which I'm hoping will have some more commonality with the iPhone. We'll see.