Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Red Sox Fan Kathryn Gemme Dies at 112

According to this article, Kathryn Gemme attended her first Red Sox game in 1912 at the age of 18, and her last game in May of 2004 at the age of 109.

This means that this woman was 9 when the Sox won their first World Series title in 1903, 18 when they won their second in 1912, and was in her 20's when they won their next 3 in '15', '16', and '18'. She then lived long enough to see them win it all again 86 years later in 2004.

I remember when we won it in 2004, reading about all of these people who were around when we won it in 1918, but most of them were not old enough to remember it. This woman was not only old enough to remember that one, but at age 9 she was also old enough to remember the first one, and since (according to the article) she "remained mentally sharp until the end", she would have also remembered the last one in 2004 and the other 3 in between.

So basically what I'm getting at here is, this woman actually experienced and remembered all 6 Red Sox World Championships. That's a pretty darn impressive feat, in fact, I don't know of anything else in sports that could possibly top it.

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