Monday, January 29, 2007

World's Oldest Living Person, Dead Again

Emma Tillman died yesterday at age 114, four days after she took over the title of “World’s Oldest Living Person” from Emiliano del Torro who had died on January 24th at age 115. He had taken the title from Julie Bertrand just 5 days earlier when she died on 1/19/07 at age 115. At least she managed to hold onto it for a little over a month when she took it from Elizabeth Bolden who died on 12/12/06 at age 116.

And so it goes. It takes longer than an entire lifetime to achieve this distinctive title, and in many cases it’s gone within days.

When Emma Tillman died yesterday, she passed the title on to Yone Minagawa who is 114 and living in Japan. How long will she hold onto it?

Get your bets in now folks; it might already be too late.

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