Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year's Resolution

I don’t think that I’ve ever made a New Year’s resolution in my entire life. Personally, I don’t really understand them. If I’m going to decide to be resolute about something, why do I have to wait until the beginning of the New Year to do it?

If I decide that I want to try to eat better and it’s March, am I supposed to wait until January of the following year to start doing it? You see what I’m saying; it just doesn’t make sense to me. If you’re going to do something, or stop doing something, just do it, or don’t, but why wait until the New Year to make a big production out of it; and you know you’re probably not going to follow through with it anyway? Every year you hear someone say, “This is the year that I’m finally going to start working out and get myself into shape, or start that project I’ve been putting off, or quit this job and do something that I really like to do”. Oh really, this is the year? What was wrong with last year, or the year before that, or 1982? Just because it’s a new year doesn’t mean that you have to start making all of these promises to yourself that you’re not going to keep, and if you really are going to keep them, then just do it, don’t wait for the New Year.

Just like everyone else I make resolutions. And just like everyone else, I follow through with some of them, don’t quite finish some of them, and never even begin some of them. But at least when I make a resolution, I’m either doing it or not doing it right then, and not waiting for some super hyped-up, artificially inflated starting date. Hell, I could already be finished with it or given up on it by then.

I also feel this way about Christmas. Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas, it’s my favorite holiday. I love it even more since Kyla’s been around. But that’s just it; to me Christmas is about the kids, at least the present part. I don’t need or want presents. If I need or want something I get it, I don’t wait until Christmas for someone to get it for me. In fact, I think it’s ridiculous when I hear someone telling someone else not to get something because Christmas is coming up. Yeah it may be coming up, but it’s fucking October and I want it now, I don’t want to wait another 2 months for Christmas.

Christmas is great. I love putting up the lights and the tree, getting together with my family, seeing Kyla’s face on Christmas morning as she’s unwrapping all of the presents that Santa brought her. I love the spirit of it all, so don’t screw it up for me by making me wait until Christmas to get something that I wanted 3 months ago, or be aggravated with me for not leaving you anything to get for me for Christmas.

If I don’t already have it, chances are, either I don’t want it, or you can’t afford to get it for me. But I’m okay with that, and you should be too.

BTW, I’m making a resolution right now to try to write more in my blog then I have been lately, and more about other things than the Red Sox. Coincidentally, this resolution happens to be coming at the beginning of the New Year, however it is not a New Year’s resolution.

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