Thursday, January 25, 2007

Teenage Wasteland

What is it with teenagers nowadays? On my way to work this morning, I had to stop at a light. It’s one of those lights that exist solely for people to press the button and stop traffic so they can cross the street.

First of all, let me say that I’m annoyed by those things, or more specifically, I’m annoyed by the people who use them. They have their uses. They’re great to help elderly and handicapped people get across the street. There are times when others may need it, if you’ve got children with you, or you’re carrying bags of groceries or some other bundle that weighs you down or obstructs your view, and I’m sure there are some other circumstances, but most young, healthy people should be able to safely make it across the street without having to press that button and stop traffic. Of course, your opinion may differ, but for me, spending as much time as I do driving, I prefer to do my best to try not to obstruct traffic as a pedestrian, I’m willing to wait a few seconds for a break in the traffic so I can get across without having to stop it; which brings me back to this morning and the two teenagers who crossed the street.

It’s 6:50am; there is not a lot of traffic on the road in this area at this time of day. There are plenty of times that I could walk across the street and then back to the other side without a car passing by. However, this did not prevent these 2 kids from pressing the button to get across anyway. This isn’t even what bothered me. Whatever, that’s what it’s there for, even if I don’t think you need to use it, you are entitled to it and I’m not going to complain.

What bothered me was the speed at which they crossed. They used the entire time allotted to them. With the amount of time they had to get across, I probably could have made it 3 or 4 times. An elderly woman would have made it across the street quicker than they did. The “don’t walk” started flashing when they were only about halfway across and I didn’t think they were going to make it. They were just stepping onto the sidewalk as the light turned green again.

Watching this reminded me of how often I actually see this. At least these kids pushed the button, a lot of times they’re just meandering across the street randomly and don’t give a damn at all about how much traffic they’re stopping, or if all of the traffic is even going to stop, it’s almost like they’re challenging you. It’s always the worst near a school while it’s letting out for the day. All these kids come out at the same time and just start crossing the streets, taking their own damn time and seemingly oblivious to everything that’s going on around them.

And it’s not just crossing the street; it’s everything, so many of them seem to have complete disregard for their surroundings. I’ve been down the park with Kyla and there have been groups of teenagers down there swearing out loud with no regard for the fact that there are adults and young children around. Or I see them hanging around in the mall swearing, goofing around, causing general disruption and not giving a crap about the people around them who are just trying to do their business.

I don’t remember being like this as a teenager. Sure I was a bit rebellious, and there were certainly times when I did something stupid, but I think in general I showed respect for adults and just about everyone else. I may swear like a maniac now, and even did back then, but I know I didn’t do it around adults, and usually not around children, unless I was actually teaching them the swear words.

I remember hanging around in the mall and being an all around goof-ball, but I still did my best to be aware of who was around me and tried to make sure that I didn’t offend anyone.

When I crossed the street, or moved around anywhere, I always moved fast, if not walking fast then actually running, always being aware of who or what was around me and showing the proper respect. Hell, I was a kid; I was supposed to be running wasn’t I? I don’t think that there was ever a time in my life when I could possibly be moving as slow as those 2 kids I saw today (I don’t think when I’m 80 I will be able to move that slow).

And of all of it, it’s the attitude that’s the worst. These kids just seem to have the attitude of “fuck you” to everything. “Fuck you, I’m crossing the street and you’re gonna wait ‘til I’m done not matter how long it takes me”. “Fuck you; I don’t give a crap that I’m hanging around in a playground your 6 year old can hear me swearing”. “Fuck you, I’m hanging out in this mall and if me and my posse are in your way, too fucking bad”.

I know it’s not all of them, there are plenty of them out there who are good kids and usually do the right thing, but it sure seems to me that there are a lot more of them out there nowadays who just don’t give a crap about anything. I only hope that most of them smarten up and figure it out before it’s too late.

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