Friday, January 26, 2007

If You're Going To Desecrate An American Flag To Make A Statement, Make Sure You Understand Exactly What It Is That You're Trying To Say

An internet acquaintance has started a new blog of political doodles. I really like the first two so far, but I have a problem with the desecration of the American flag in his first one.

The issue is not with the actual desecration of the flag, the first amendment preserves that right for everyone, so I have no problem with that.

The issue is that I believe in most cases the intention of the message is misguided. Most people who desecrate flags are doing so to express opposition to the government, and that's where I have the problem.

The flag is not a symbol of the government; it is a symbol of the country; which in turn means that it is a symbol of the people. The country and the government are very different things. I have many issues with the government, particularly this administration, but I still love my country.

When I see a flag being desecrated I see it as an insult to this country. I think of the people who truly hate this country, such as terrorists and many foreigners who have been brainwashed into believing that this country is evil, and in some cases even fellow Americans. These people desecrate flags because they despise the American people, the United States of America, and everything that it is about, regardless of who is in power.

To me, flag and country are interchangeable. When you talk about your flag, you're talking about your country and your people. If you ask the soldiers in Iraq what they’re fighting for, most of them will tell you that they’re fighting for their flag; or their country (because it means the same thing). They are not fighting for George W. or the United States Government; they are fighting for the United States of America.

If they see a flag being desecrated over there, they are going to take it personally. It’s been this way since the flag was first created during the American Revolution. Those soldiers were willing to, and did, fight and die for their country, same with every other war since then. And to them, the flag is the country and must not be desecrated or destroyed.

That’s why you always hear those stories about the flag-bearers going down and everyone scrambling to make sure that it gets picked up. The flag had to be protected at all costs because the flag represented the country and that’s what they were/are fighting for.

So, if you want to desecrate an American flag to make a statement that you hate America, then fine. Personally, I think you’re either an ass or an idiot for doing so, but that’s your prerogative (which; ironically is one of the reasons why you should “not hate this country”). But if you’re doing it with the intentions of making a statement to the United States Government, then you’re making the wrong statement, go burn an elephant or an ass.


flargh said...

Or better yet, stick an elephant up your ass...

Carlie said...

I just finished my college paper on "certain" individuals that burn our American flag, and how you explained it was awesome, thank you we need more true Americans like you!

Anonymous said...

I agree with but the but not all people burn it out of disrespect.

Anonymous said...

Ever hear of retired flags, Carlie?