Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A Promise Kept

I’ve been putting up Christmas lights outside the house for 3 years now. The first year I didn’t take them down until the spring, it was almost Easter and the running joke was, as long as I get them down before Easter, it’s okay. I mad a promise to myself that I would not let it go that long the next year.

Last year I did do a little better and managed to get them down around the end of February. Better, but still not good enough.

This year, when I put them up, I promised I would get them down in January, and I did, I got them down today. Good thing there are 31 days in January because I needed all of them to keep my promise.

Although I made the promise out loud in front of dad, Penny, and Kyla, I really only made it to myself, but a promise is a promise no matter who it’s made to, and if a man don’t keep his promise, then he ain’t worth nothin’.

Songs From My iPod

I'm playing around with all the new blogger options. One of them is lists, I can make lists of whatever I want off to the side of my blog. Since music is such a big part of my life and I listen to it a lot, I thought it would be fun to make some lists of certain songs I've recently heard on my iPod that stood out.

I originally posted this last night as a list, but as I was making this entry to talk about it, I decided that these lists would be better off as blog entries for a few reasons.

1. When I update it, the old songs won't go away.
2. I realized that I wanted to comment on some of the songs and I couldn't do that in the list.
3. Everyone else can comment as well if they want.

This may or may not be a daily thing, but here's the first entry:

Down Here (With the Rest of Us)- Social Distortion

Frim Fram Sauce- Diana Krall

Don't know what that sauce is, and I'm not sure I want to know.

Giving It All Away- Hot House Flowers

Am I the only person I know that likes these guys?

Helena- My Chemical Romance

I admit it, I'm new to this band, but I'm quickly discovering how much I dig them.

Highway to Hell- AC/DC

Currently trying to learn it on guitar, coincidentally it played on my iPod yesterday.

I'm A Rocker- Bruce Springsteen

Intimate Secretary- The Raconteurs

I love Jack White, the stuff on this CD is just as good as everything he's done with Meg.

Italian Leather Sofa- Cake

"She's got a silk dress and healthy breasts, that bounce on his italian leather sofa"

Jump With Me Baby- Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

Pressure- The Kinks

Simple Lessons- Candlebox

Soul Kitchen- The Doors

Struttin' Blues- The Black Crowes

That's Life- Frank Sinatra

The Famous Final Scene- Bob Seger

Woman Is The Nigger Of The World- John Lennon

Dude I totally get your message and I completely agree with it, but I have to admit that I was a little hesitant to post this song title here. You sure had a strange way of getting some of your points across; which of course, is why you were so controversial.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

New iPod

This morning I ordered myself one of these babies. There was nothing wrong with my old 30GB iPod, except for the fact that, at only 30GB it was filled up and I could not put anymore music on it.

When I first bought it about a year ago, I figured 30GB would be enough to last me for years. It turns out that years ended up being year, as in about 1 year, that’s how long it took me to fill it up. And that’s filled up with music that I like, almost 6,000 songs that I actually listen too. Each time I added a new album or artist to it, I would listen to it and weed out anything I didn’t like. There are probably a few stray songs on it that slipped through, but for the most part it is filled with almost 6,000 songs that I want to hear.

I recently took off about 70 Christmas songs just to make room for some other new stuff I wanted to put on it (I figured I had about 10 months to figure out how to get them back on for when I wanted them again), and I have an additional 400 or so songs on my computer that I want to add to it, but I no longer have the room. There is also some borderline stuff (songs that I wasn’t sure of) on my computer that I had to make some hard decisions on to make more room for new songs that I was sure of.

Yesterday I decided that I just couldn’t live like this anymore. I know, a year ago I was living just fine without an iPod at all, but things are different now. I can’t even imagine life without it.

It changed my music listening experience. Before when I wanted to hear something, I had to take out a CD and play it in whatever CD player was available, depending on where I was. Half the time I couldn’t decide what to listen to and I ended up not bothering to listen to anything. I would spend 5 minutes trying to decide what to bring with me for the 7 minute ride to work, or for the 10 minutes that it was going to take me to fold up some laundry in the bedroom.

Now I have speakers set up everywhere that I want to hear music and when I’m going to be in one of those places I just plug in the iPod and let it go. I don’t worry about what I’m going to hear, occasionally I want to hear a certain song or album, but mostly I just let it play through my 6,000 songs randomly. I love listening to music this way, it’s like having my own private radio station where there are no commercials, I’m always going to hear a song that I like, and if one comes on that I’m not in the mood for I just skip to the next one (which doesn’t happen all that often).

And it has to be ALL of my music, I know a lot of people love the Nano’s but for me that 8GB doesn’t cut it, hell the 30GB doesn’t cut it anymore. I need all of my music with me all of the time, I don’t want to have to try to decide what to put on it and what to take off. That would put me almost right back where I was when I was fumbling with CD’s and I don’t want to be there again.

Which brings me to where I am now, my trusty 30GB is full and I have nowhere to go but up, so that's what I've done. I’ve ordered the new 80GB and I figure that should hold me for a while. It also has some nice new features, the main one being the search feature which allows me to find a song easier by actually using the click wheel to type in the name of the song, or artist, or album.

So that’s it, I’ve put in the order for the new iPod and now I’m patiently waiting for it to arrive so that I can start adding all of my new songs to it and get on with my life.

Monday, January 29, 2007

World's Oldest Living Person, Dead Again

Emma Tillman died yesterday at age 114, four days after she took over the title of “World’s Oldest Living Person” from Emiliano del Torro who had died on January 24th at age 115. He had taken the title from Julie Bertrand just 5 days earlier when she died on 1/19/07 at age 115. At least she managed to hold onto it for a little over a month when she took it from Elizabeth Bolden who died on 12/12/06 at age 116.

And so it goes. It takes longer than an entire lifetime to achieve this distinctive title, and in many cases it’s gone within days.

When Emma Tillman died yesterday, she passed the title on to Yone Minagawa who is 114 and living in Japan. How long will she hold onto it?

Get your bets in now folks; it might already be too late.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Diana Krall

I have recently concluded that this woman can not sing a song that I will not listen to.

That is all.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Four Posts In One Day?

Wow, four posts in one day. I usually have trouble getting up four posts in one week, never mind one day.

Okay, I know this last post is kind of questionable because all it really is a post to note that I posted 4 times in one day, thereby creating the 4th post to get me to 4 posts in one day, but hey, it’s not like I’m posting about nothing, I’m posting about the fact that I posted 4 times in one day so I think that makes it a legitimate post.

Besides, even if you still want to argue that this post is about nothing, nothing is the same thing as crap and the name of this blog is Primarily Crap, therefore, any post in this blog about nothing is a legitimate post.

So there, it may or may not be a post about nothing, but either way it’s still a legitimate post and that makes four posts in one day.

Thank you.

Rena Sofer

I kind of dig Rena Sofer. Apparently she is best known for a couple of gigs on daytime soaps in the 90’s, but I know her from a short-lived series on the Sci-Fi channel called “The Chronicle”.

I hadn’t seen much of her after that show got cancelled in 2002 after only 22 episodes (it wasn’t all that great anyway and I admit that I was only watching it in the end because Penny was still watching it and I just wanted to keep looking at Rena), according to the Internet Movie Database, she’s had some parts in a few different TV shows that I didn’t watch. Recently she has shown up playing a recurring character in not one, but two of my favorite TV shows.

And what’s more these 2 shows, “Heroes” and “24” are now being shown opposite each other on different networks (thank the good lord for DVR’s).

She made her first appearance on “24” on the most recent episode this past Monday, playing the wife of a man with questionable motives and integrity. So far she has made 2 appearances on “Heroes”, although none recently, also playing the wife of a man with questionable motives and integrity (although that’s looking like it may change soon, both the questionable motives and integrity and the fact that she’s his wife).

I find it interesting that she is playing 2 seemingly similar roles on different TV shows at the same time that are also on at the same time. I wonder if this has ever happened. Also, it looks like she will at least be in next weeks episode of “24”, and possibly more (you just never know who will be killed next in that show), and although she has not been on “Heroes” recently I think I remember reading that she would be back; which begs the question, “will there be a time when she is actually on 2 shows at the same time, and has it ever happened before”?

Just wondering.

Man From Nantucket

I try not to be too serious on this blog (or anywhere else for that matter). So, I was aghast when I noticed that I had posted 2 serious entries in a row. I assure you that it was entirely accidental, I apologize and I promise to make sure that it will never happen again.

In the meantime, in an attempt to try to compensate for the faux pas, here’s a little poem I just came up with:

There once was a man from Nantucket
Who got his head stuck in a bucket
He tripped on a stone
Hit the ground with a groan
And said, “damn it, why couldn’t I just have a big dick like the other guy”

If You're Going To Desecrate An American Flag To Make A Statement, Make Sure You Understand Exactly What It Is That You're Trying To Say

An internet acquaintance has started a new blog of political doodles. I really like the first two so far, but I have a problem with the desecration of the American flag in his first one.

The issue is not with the actual desecration of the flag, the first amendment preserves that right for everyone, so I have no problem with that.

The issue is that I believe in most cases the intention of the message is misguided. Most people who desecrate flags are doing so to express opposition to the government, and that's where I have the problem.

The flag is not a symbol of the government; it is a symbol of the country; which in turn means that it is a symbol of the people. The country and the government are very different things. I have many issues with the government, particularly this administration, but I still love my country.

When I see a flag being desecrated I see it as an insult to this country. I think of the people who truly hate this country, such as terrorists and many foreigners who have been brainwashed into believing that this country is evil, and in some cases even fellow Americans. These people desecrate flags because they despise the American people, the United States of America, and everything that it is about, regardless of who is in power.

To me, flag and country are interchangeable. When you talk about your flag, you're talking about your country and your people. If you ask the soldiers in Iraq what they’re fighting for, most of them will tell you that they’re fighting for their flag; or their country (because it means the same thing). They are not fighting for George W. or the United States Government; they are fighting for the United States of America.

If they see a flag being desecrated over there, they are going to take it personally. It’s been this way since the flag was first created during the American Revolution. Those soldiers were willing to, and did, fight and die for their country, same with every other war since then. And to them, the flag is the country and must not be desecrated or destroyed.

That’s why you always hear those stories about the flag-bearers going down and everyone scrambling to make sure that it gets picked up. The flag had to be protected at all costs because the flag represented the country and that’s what they were/are fighting for.

So, if you want to desecrate an American flag to make a statement that you hate America, then fine. Personally, I think you’re either an ass or an idiot for doing so, but that’s your prerogative (which; ironically is one of the reasons why you should “not hate this country”). But if you’re doing it with the intentions of making a statement to the United States Government, then you’re making the wrong statement, go burn an elephant or an ass.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Teenage Wasteland

What is it with teenagers nowadays? On my way to work this morning, I had to stop at a light. It’s one of those lights that exist solely for people to press the button and stop traffic so they can cross the street.

First of all, let me say that I’m annoyed by those things, or more specifically, I’m annoyed by the people who use them. They have their uses. They’re great to help elderly and handicapped people get across the street. There are times when others may need it, if you’ve got children with you, or you’re carrying bags of groceries or some other bundle that weighs you down or obstructs your view, and I’m sure there are some other circumstances, but most young, healthy people should be able to safely make it across the street without having to press that button and stop traffic. Of course, your opinion may differ, but for me, spending as much time as I do driving, I prefer to do my best to try not to obstruct traffic as a pedestrian, I’m willing to wait a few seconds for a break in the traffic so I can get across without having to stop it; which brings me back to this morning and the two teenagers who crossed the street.

It’s 6:50am; there is not a lot of traffic on the road in this area at this time of day. There are plenty of times that I could walk across the street and then back to the other side without a car passing by. However, this did not prevent these 2 kids from pressing the button to get across anyway. This isn’t even what bothered me. Whatever, that’s what it’s there for, even if I don’t think you need to use it, you are entitled to it and I’m not going to complain.

What bothered me was the speed at which they crossed. They used the entire time allotted to them. With the amount of time they had to get across, I probably could have made it 3 or 4 times. An elderly woman would have made it across the street quicker than they did. The “don’t walk” started flashing when they were only about halfway across and I didn’t think they were going to make it. They were just stepping onto the sidewalk as the light turned green again.

Watching this reminded me of how often I actually see this. At least these kids pushed the button, a lot of times they’re just meandering across the street randomly and don’t give a damn at all about how much traffic they’re stopping, or if all of the traffic is even going to stop, it’s almost like they’re challenging you. It’s always the worst near a school while it’s letting out for the day. All these kids come out at the same time and just start crossing the streets, taking their own damn time and seemingly oblivious to everything that’s going on around them.

And it’s not just crossing the street; it’s everything, so many of them seem to have complete disregard for their surroundings. I’ve been down the park with Kyla and there have been groups of teenagers down there swearing out loud with no regard for the fact that there are adults and young children around. Or I see them hanging around in the mall swearing, goofing around, causing general disruption and not giving a crap about the people around them who are just trying to do their business.

I don’t remember being like this as a teenager. Sure I was a bit rebellious, and there were certainly times when I did something stupid, but I think in general I showed respect for adults and just about everyone else. I may swear like a maniac now, and even did back then, but I know I didn’t do it around adults, and usually not around children, unless I was actually teaching them the swear words.

I remember hanging around in the mall and being an all around goof-ball, but I still did my best to be aware of who was around me and tried to make sure that I didn’t offend anyone.

When I crossed the street, or moved around anywhere, I always moved fast, if not walking fast then actually running, always being aware of who or what was around me and showing the proper respect. Hell, I was a kid; I was supposed to be running wasn’t I? I don’t think that there was ever a time in my life when I could possibly be moving as slow as those 2 kids I saw today (I don’t think when I’m 80 I will be able to move that slow).

And of all of it, it’s the attitude that’s the worst. These kids just seem to have the attitude of “fuck you” to everything. “Fuck you, I’m crossing the street and you’re gonna wait ‘til I’m done not matter how long it takes me”. “Fuck you; I don’t give a crap that I’m hanging around in a playground your 6 year old can hear me swearing”. “Fuck you, I’m hanging out in this mall and if me and my posse are in your way, too fucking bad”.

I know it’s not all of them, there are plenty of them out there who are good kids and usually do the right thing, but it sure seems to me that there are a lot more of them out there nowadays who just don’t give a crap about anything. I only hope that most of them smarten up and figure it out before it’s too late.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Some Pig?

Kyla is currently into “Charlotte’s Web”. We saw the new live action movie last weekend and she’s had the picture book since she was a baby and recently got the original book, plus she has the DVD of the animated version from the 70’s.

I remember reading this book at some point in grade school, but I didn’t really remember much more than the fact that there was a spider in a barn named Charlotte that had befriended a pig.

After seeing the movie last weekend, I have to say that I’m a bit miffed by the story.

Wilbur, the pig, was born in the spring and is scheduled to be Christmas dinner. All of the animals in the barn know this and they decide to try to do something to prevent it. Over the summer, Charlotte comes up with an idea to write something in her web (that’s spider web, not web site) to convince the farmer that the pig is special. She comes up with the words “SOME PIG”.

The next morning the farmer sees the words written in the web over the doorway of the barnyard. Word gets out and people come from all over to see the pig, and the farm becomes a tourist attraction. After a month or so the novelty wears off and things get back to normal at the farm. As great as it was, it apparently was not enough to grant Wilbur a stay of execution.

So Charlotte creates a new web with the word “TERRIFIC” written in it. Again the farm bustles with people coming to see the pig, and again it wears off and Wilbur is still scheduled for Christmas dinner.

It’s done a 3rd time with the word “RADIANT”, the entire process is repeated, but this time the farmer becomes convinced that the pig is so special that he should bring it to the County Fair where it is sure to win a ribbon.

Unfortunately, for Wilbur, he is beaten out by a big fat hog, and the farmer decides that he’s nothing more than a Christmas ham after all. But then, Charlotte, who has come along for the ride, makes one last attempt at saving Wilbur by creating a web in the stall he is kept in at the fair with the word “HUMBLE” written in it. Now everyone in the fair comes over to see “some, terrific, radiant, humble pig”, and Wilbur is given a special award by the Mayor. This, apparently, is finally enough to convince farmer Zuckerman not to eat Wilbur and he gets to see Christmas and live on.

There is a sad twist at the end as Charlotte, who is very old, does not go back to the barn with them, instead staying behind at the fair where she is at the end of her life and will die soon. She does however have a sack of eggs that are brought back to the barn where they are looked after by all of the animals until they hatch. Most of the baby spiders leave, but 3 of them stay to become Wilbur’s friends and honor their mother’s memory.

Overall, a heart-warming tale, however I’m not buying it. What was so special about the pig? As far as I can tell, the only thing that was special about it was the fact that there was a spider writing words about it in her web.

So, what we have here is a baby pig, who seems to be just like every other ordinary baby pig, and a spider who’s writing words in her web about it. I don’t know about you, but I’m going to that farm to see the spider and her webs. If that was happening today, and that farmer could find a way to preserve those webs, he’d make millions on Ebay.

And why are you going to eat a baby pig for Christmas dinner? How much pork are you going to get from that? I’m no farmer, but doesn’t it make more sense to keep the pig around for a few years until it gets nice and big? Then you have Christmas dinner for not just your family, but probably your friends and neighbors, plus bacon for Christmas breakfast, and maybe even enough to do it all again on New Year’s.

I’m sure once that spider was not around to write words in her web about it, that’s what eventually happened to the pig anyway.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Armed And Famous

If I was a cop, I think I would be extremely offended by this. Actually, I think I'm offended by it anyway.

Winter Is Here

…and it looks like it’s going to stick around for a while; well at least until the end of the week anyway. We may even see some snow on Thursday night.

There’s something screwy going on with this weather and I’m not buying into this global warming crap. Why? Because, while there were people lounging on the beaches around here last week, this week there were people ice-skating in their driveways in California, and half the oranges in the state were destroyed by frost, meanwhile fountains were freezing over in Arizona.

Even though I’ve yet to touch a snow shovel or even a broom so far this winter, I wouldn’t dare mention that to the people out in the mid-west, who keep getting bombarded. And even though it took this long to finally get cold here, it’s now about 15 degrees lower than the average temperature around this time of year.

So don’t try to convince me that this world is getting warmer Mr. Gore, cause it don’t look that way to me.

Monday, January 15, 2007


I was in the stall in the bathroom of a restaurant today. There was a guy in there with his very young son trying to get him to use the urinal. I could not see anything, but here's what I heard:

Stand right there, do you need help?

No, you need to use your hands to aim it

Watch out, hold your penis with your hands



Are you all done?

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Lines From Songs That Probably Wouldn’t Go Over Very Well

Lines from classic rock songs that you probably don't want to try if you're looking for good results.

The Cars- Just What I Needed

“I don’t mind you coming here, wasting all my time”

Springsteen- Thunder Road

“You ain’t a beauty, but hey, you’re all right”

Faces- Stay With Me

“With a face like that you got nothin’ to laugh about”

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Blue-Footed Booby

I’m sitting here doing some stuff on the computer, Penny’s gone to bed, but she left the TV on. I can’t see it from where I’m sitting, and although I can hear it, I’m not really listening to it, so I have no idea what’s going on except that there seems to be some kind of documentary on and the narrator has a British accent. Whatever this documentary is, the narrator sounds very serious, except for the fact that about every 4th or 5th word out of his mouth is “boobies”.

After a while I had to get up and find out what the hell was going on. The documentary is called “Equator” and it’s about the Galapagos Islands and some of the species that inhabit them. They’re currently following a flock of birds that are known as the Blue-Footed Booby, but the narrator has just shortened it to “boobies”.

You've got to be kidding right? Someone actually put together a documentary that they expect to be taken seriously, and then went out and got a guy with a British accent to keep saying "boobies"?

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Hero Defined

If you look up the word "hero" in the dictionary, the name Wesley Autry should be in the definition. What he did still blows my mind. I'd like to think that I would have done the same, but I can't really say for sure.

We all know that Mr. Autry did not do what he did for the rewards and accolades, he did it because someone needed help so he helped them. He may not think of himself as a hero and he may not like or be comfortable with all of the attention he is receiving. You could say that the talk shows and news outlets are going a little overboard.

Whether he's comfortable with it or not, or whether the talk shows are going overboard or not, I for one am glad that he's doing it. With all of the bad people and bad things that are going on in this world, and filling up our monitors and tv screens, we need a story like the one that Wesley Autry has provided us with.

He has become a symbol of what is right and good in this world and we need to know that he is out there, he has truly defined the word "hero". He deserves all of the accolades and rewards that he gets; which seem to just keep on piling up. Good for him.

Chief Silent Drum

Vernon Lopez, Chief of the Mashpee Wampanoag and first speaker of the 2007 Massachusetts Governor Inauguration.

Today's inauguration is filled with a lot of firsts.

It's the first time that the exiting governor, Mitt Romney, will not be there to turn over the "symbolic gifts" and make the ceremonial "lone walk" out of the State House, having done all of this the night before.

It's the first time that the entire ceremony will be held outside.

It's the first time that the state of Massachusetts will inaugurate a black (or any minority) governor.

But of all the firsts, I think that my favorite first is that it is the first time that the first speaker of the day was wearing a chicken on his head.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Cutting Out Trans Fat, And The Foods That Contain It

I find this interesting. Starbucks is the latest on an ever growing list of food places to remove trans fat entirely from their menus, although they've only done it with half the chain so far.

Today, my HR rep told me that she went into Starbucks this morning to order her favorite pastry and they no longer carry it. It was one of the foods that contained trans fat.

So apparently, until they figure out how to make it and still have it taste good without the trans fat, they've just removed it from the menu altogether. I don't eat at any of these places that have all of these foods with high trans fat content so I really have no idea how it's been affecting them as they decide to get rid of it, but now I'm wondering just how many products have been removed from menus because of this.

It seems that these places can't get the trans fat off of their menus fast enough, even if it means sacrificing the products that people love, regardless of the fact that it contains trans fat.

To me, that is just funny stuff.

Red Sox Fan Kathryn Gemme Dies at 112

According to this article, Kathryn Gemme attended her first Red Sox game in 1912 at the age of 18, and her last game in May of 2004 at the age of 109.

This means that this woman was 9 when the Sox won their first World Series title in 1903, 18 when they won their second in 1912, and was in her 20's when they won their next 3 in '15', '16', and '18'. She then lived long enough to see them win it all again 86 years later in 2004.

I remember when we won it in 2004, reading about all of these people who were around when we won it in 1918, but most of them were not old enough to remember it. This woman was not only old enough to remember that one, but at age 9 she was also old enough to remember the first one, and since (according to the article) she "remained mentally sharp until the end", she would have also remembered the last one in 2004 and the other 3 in between.

So basically what I'm getting at here is, this woman actually experienced and remembered all 6 Red Sox World Championships. That's a pretty darn impressive feat, in fact, I don't know of anything else in sports that could possibly top it.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year's Resolution

I don’t think that I’ve ever made a New Year’s resolution in my entire life. Personally, I don’t really understand them. If I’m going to decide to be resolute about something, why do I have to wait until the beginning of the New Year to do it?

If I decide that I want to try to eat better and it’s March, am I supposed to wait until January of the following year to start doing it? You see what I’m saying; it just doesn’t make sense to me. If you’re going to do something, or stop doing something, just do it, or don’t, but why wait until the New Year to make a big production out of it; and you know you’re probably not going to follow through with it anyway? Every year you hear someone say, “This is the year that I’m finally going to start working out and get myself into shape, or start that project I’ve been putting off, or quit this job and do something that I really like to do”. Oh really, this is the year? What was wrong with last year, or the year before that, or 1982? Just because it’s a new year doesn’t mean that you have to start making all of these promises to yourself that you’re not going to keep, and if you really are going to keep them, then just do it, don’t wait for the New Year.

Just like everyone else I make resolutions. And just like everyone else, I follow through with some of them, don’t quite finish some of them, and never even begin some of them. But at least when I make a resolution, I’m either doing it or not doing it right then, and not waiting for some super hyped-up, artificially inflated starting date. Hell, I could already be finished with it or given up on it by then.

I also feel this way about Christmas. Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas, it’s my favorite holiday. I love it even more since Kyla’s been around. But that’s just it; to me Christmas is about the kids, at least the present part. I don’t need or want presents. If I need or want something I get it, I don’t wait until Christmas for someone to get it for me. In fact, I think it’s ridiculous when I hear someone telling someone else not to get something because Christmas is coming up. Yeah it may be coming up, but it’s fucking October and I want it now, I don’t want to wait another 2 months for Christmas.

Christmas is great. I love putting up the lights and the tree, getting together with my family, seeing Kyla’s face on Christmas morning as she’s unwrapping all of the presents that Santa brought her. I love the spirit of it all, so don’t screw it up for me by making me wait until Christmas to get something that I wanted 3 months ago, or be aggravated with me for not leaving you anything to get for me for Christmas.

If I don’t already have it, chances are, either I don’t want it, or you can’t afford to get it for me. But I’m okay with that, and you should be too.

BTW, I’m making a resolution right now to try to write more in my blog then I have been lately, and more about other things than the Red Sox. Coincidentally, this resolution happens to be coming at the beginning of the New Year, however it is not a New Year’s resolution.