Tuesday, December 19, 2006

My Fingers Hurt

I’ve always wanted to play guitar. When I was 18 I bought an electric. When I first slung it over my shoulder and tried to put my hands on the strings it felt so foreign to me that I figured there was no way in hell that I would ever be able to learn how to play. Of course way back then there was no internet and no easy or cheap way to take lessons and I decided I had better things to spend my time and money on, so I gave up the dream. Occasionally over the years I would think about maybe giving it another shot, but somehow along the way I managed to convince myself that I did not have the innate ability needed to be able to play guitar and it was simply an impossibility for me.

About a year ago my thinking started to change on that and I decided that now was the time for me to finally give it a real shot. I dug out my sister’s old acoustic from my parent’s attic and purchased “Guitar For Dummies”. Whenever I want to learn about something new, if there’s a “Dummies” book out there for it, I pick it up. They’re usually a very good starting point if you don’t know anything about something you want to know more about.

The old acoustic was in bad shape. First of all, it was a child’s guitar, as it was purchased for my sister when she was about 9 or 10, so it was very small. It was also missing the fourth string, so I was not going to get anywhere until I replaced that string. I decided that I would not even bother opening up the “Dummies” book until I did that.

Just about a year went by and I still had not replaced the string. But a few days ago I really got the itch and decided to open up the “Dummies” book and peruse it. I immediately determined that I was probably better off picking up a new guitar and the more I read the more I wanted to get started. I did some research, talked to my cousin, who has been playing for about 25 years, and yesterday I went to Guitar Center and picked up this.

Of course I got the black version, but you knew that.

I took a half day from work yesterday and went home and spent about 2 hours with it. I then spent about another hour with it last night.

Here’s what I have determined so far. Playing guitar is fucking hard. I’m not just talking about LEARNING how to play chords, I’m talking about actually playing the chords.

There are 3 parts to fretting, or fingering as us guitar players call it, the chords. The first part is making sure that you get the correct fingers on the correct strings, once there you have to make sure that none of your fingers are accidentally touching any of the other strings or they’ll be muted and they won’t sound when struck, and finally, you have to make sure that you’re pressing down each string hard enough to the fret so that it will ring true when struck and not twang or buzz.

This is not as easy as all of these pro guitar players make it look. I didn’t expect it to be easy but I was surprised at how hard it actually is. It’s not only difficult but it’s downright painful. Pressing the strings to the frets hurts, a lot. Fortunately the “Dummies Book” does a very good job of preparing you for this. They talk about how much it hurts and how you will need to develop calluses on the tips of your fingers before you will ever be comfortable fingering a guitar. They also explain that you need to develop strength and flexibility in that hand before you’ll really be able to finger the strings correctly and that the best way to develop all of these things is to just keep at it.

So that’s my plan. I haven’t even gotten to the actual striking of the strings yet. Right now all that I am doing is placing my fingers on the correct strings in the correct frets for each chord, starting with the “A” family chords. I’m not even worrying about changing chords yet, just getting my fingers in the correct position for each chord and by doing so developing the strength, flexibility, and calluses I will need to be able to do this easily, or more easily anyway, and also trying to develop a feel for the placement. Right now, I can’t finger the chords without actually looking at what I’m doing.

I keep thinking back on other things that I’ve learned in my life that seemed really difficult at first, but with a lot of practice and repetition have become second nature. I’m sure that can eventually be the case with this as well. I’m actually very excited about it and am really looking forward to improving, but right now I know 2 things: it’s going to be a slow process, and my fingers hurt.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

They May Be Dead, But They’re Making Waaaay More Money Than Me

This is depressing. Forbes.com released its annual roster of "Top-Earning Dead Celebrities" yesterday.

Kurt Cobain, who has now been dead for more than 12 years, topped the list by earning $50 million dollars in the last 12 months. Of course, most of this money was made when Courtney Love sold off 25% of his rights.

He topped Elvis, who has been dead for over 29 years, and had held the top spot for the last 6, this year coming in second to Cobain with $42 million.

Others on the list:

John Lennon who will be dead for 26 years in December, still managed to earn $24 million.

Marilyn Monroe has been dead for over 44 years but earned $8 million.

Albert Einstein has been dead for 51 years, but he still came in 5th place on the list by earning $20 million.

What am I doing wrong?

Friday, July 21, 2006

Back To High School...Again

I had that dream again last night. You know the one, you’re back in high school. Or maybe you don’t. I’m not talking about, you’re 17 and reliving your high school days, I’m talking about, you’re 39 and you suddenly find yourself having to go back to high school.

I actually used to have this dream a lot when I was younger, but it’s been quite a while since I’ve had it. I’m not sure why I used to have it so much, maybe it had something to do with the fact that I actually failed 2 classes my senior year, but they let me graduate anyway, telling me that if I wanted to go to college I would have to make up the 2 classes at some point. Maybe I had it last night because I’m currently re-reading a book series that I originally read when it first came out back when I was in high school.

In any case, it’s quite frightening. Don’t get me wrong, overall I enjoyed high school. I had quite a lot of fun and it was a great time in my life. But being a teenager in high school is one thing, being a 39 year old, or 25, or 30, or whatever other ages I was when I had the dream, is quite another.

In all versions of this dream that I can ever remember, I’ve been forced to give up my job and become a full-time student again. As is usually the case, last night’s dream began with me driving my car to school and hoping that when I get there, there will at least be a couple of my old friends there as well. Sometimes there are, sometimes not. Almost always when there are, they look like they did back when I knew them in high school.

In last night’s version I pulled into the parking lot and found that there were 3 others there as well. One was a guy who I still see around once in a while and he looked like he does as I know him now. The other 2 were woman (actually girls) who I haven’t seen since high school and looked like they did in high school. Although I was friendly with all 3 of them, I never hung out with them, but when I saw them in the parking lot it was as if they were my best friends, I wasn’t going to go through this alone.

There was also a gaggle of current students there, and to my surprise, they not only knew who I was, but were treating me like I was some sort of legend. Now I was somewhat popular in high school, and I was certainly a legend in my own mind, but I was a little taken aback at how I was being treated by this group of young kids.

I never actually made it into the school this time. I woke up just as we began walking to the building; which is fine with me, because in past dreams when I actually did make it into the school it was a terrifying experience. I was forced to sit in class and learn things, things that I didn’t want to learn back then, and things that I still don’t want to learn.

So that’s it. My high school dream came back to me last night, or a version of it anyway. It had been gone for a while, but I can’t say that I was missing it and I can’t say that I want it back anytime soon, or ever again.

Monday, June 26, 2006

My Morning Song

Many mornings I wake up with a song playing in my head. It doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason to it. It could be a song I heard the day before, a song I haven't heard in years, or anywhere in between. It could be a song I really like, really don't like, really don't give a crap about either way, or hardly even know.

I figured for the hell of it, I'd start posting them here.

Today's song was Kim Wilde's "Kids In America". I couldn't get into the shower and get the iPod going fast enough to get it out of my head. Actually, I really don't mind it that much, but I don't ever need to hear it again either. I'll classify it as a "don't give a crap about either way".

And yes, the title of this entry was borrowed from the title of a "Black Crowes" song.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Here We Go Again

It’s that time of year again. The sun is out, the weather is warm, the water is cool and refreshing, and people are drowning. Could someone please explain this to me? Because I just don’t fucking get it.

I’m not a great swimmer, but I’ve been able to keep myself afloat and get around in water for as long as I can remember. No one ever taught me how to do it, I just got in the water and figured it out, so I have a very difficult time trying to figure out how people keep drowning themselves.

Now I can see being in a boat on the ocean, or a raft on a wildly rapid river, and somehow getting dumped overboard and not making it to shore alive. In the former, you can only stay afloat for so long before you get tired out and give up, and in the latter, it could be very difficult to keep from getting swallowed up by the rapids.

But how the hell do all these people keep managing to do it to themselves in small lakes and ponds, and even pools? Like I said before, I can’t fathom (no pun intended) not being able to swim. If I’m in a lake or pond and I can see land, I can get back to it. And hell, if I’m in a pool, I can stand up in it and the water only comes up to my waist. Even if it’s a pool with a deep end, I’m only a few feet away from the shallow end.

So it makes absolutely no sense to me why everyone can’t do this. But apparently this is the case, and if you happen to be one of those people who can’t do it, then why the fuck are you out on a lake?

I don’t care if you’re on a boat, or a canoe, you can’t swim, you shouldn’t be on something that could tip over and dump you into the water. Or at the very least, you should be wearing a life jacket so if it does happen, you can stay afloat and get yourself back to shore.

Just another example of how dumb people can be. I just don’t get it.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Happiness Is A Warm Gun, And A $200 Gift Card To Target

So, yesterday was the first day of Mayor Menino’s new gun buyback program here in Boston. Turn in your gun, receive a $200 gift card to Target. Sunday night a man was shot and killed in Dorchester. Last night 4 people were shot, one dead, and another person was stabbed to death.

The good news is, 40 guns were turned in to local police yesterday. The bad news, we’re currently on a pace to surpass last year’s homicide total of 75.

The way I see it, people are going to turn in some guns and take the 200. But some of them are going to get their last shots off before they do. Or even worse, they're going to start killing each other for their guns, so they can keep their own gun and turn in someone else's.

Oh, and the stabbing? That guy probably figured, I’ll take the 200, my knife will work just as good.

I wonder how much he can get for the knife.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Andrew Morbitzer WTF

Okay, so Barry Bonds finally hit #715 today and passed "The Babe". Whatever, you all know how I feel about Bonds and about this achievement so I'm not going to say anymore about it here. What's done is done, and like it or not, we have to live with it.

What I really want to talk about is this Andrew Morbitzer guy. This is the guy that ended up with the ball. He's a Bonds fan. Again, whatever, that's his problem and although I don't get that, I get this even less.

If you've seen the replays, you've seen that the ball bounced off a couple of fans before landing on an elevated platform, rolling off the roof, and dropping down toward a concession stand where Morbitzer was waiting in line for beer. He claims he heard the roar of the crowd, saw people reaching in the air, and then reached up with one hand and snagged the ball as it was dropping off the roof.

So, what don't I get? This guy claims he's a Bonds fan. He was even wearing a shirt that said "Bonds 715" on it. Yet when Bonds is coming up to the plate to take another shot at getting that 715, this guy is down at the concession stands getting a beer.


How can that happen? Can someone please explain it to me?

He claims that he was in the bleachers where he couldn't see who was up next, so he decided it was a good time to go get a beer. Huh? I don't care where your sitting in a ballpark, there's always somewhere to find out who's up next. If you're paying even a little bit of attention to the game, you have to know that Bonds AB is coming up shortly and this is probably not a good time to go get a beer. Although, obviously for this guy, it was the perfect time to go get a beer, and a ball that's probably going to be worth more than any other baseball in history up to this point.

So, a lot of people will probably say that this guy was in the right place at the right time. I say that he was in the wrong place at the right time. It really just doesn't make any sense, but hey, he's the one with the multi-million dollar ball and I'm not, so who am I to argue.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions

I admit it; I’ve been a little annoyed with Bruce lately. He put “The E Street Band” back together in the late ‘90’s’ and toured with them. He then recorded an album with them in ‘02’ and toured with them again. The greatest rock ‘n’ roll band in the world was back and kicking ass, and I was damn happy about it.

Then, just like that, he ditches them again, records another solo album, and proceeds to go on tour without them.

Despite the fact that Bruce’s music is heavily rooted in, and influenced by folk, I’m not really a big fan of it. So when I heard that his newest album was going to be a collection of songs that were written or made famous by Pete Seeger I wasn’t all that thrilled. This was 2 in a row now without the band. When was he going to get them back together? For the first time since “The River” I didn’t rush out and get the new album the day it was released. I finally picked it up yesterday and after listening to it this morning I realized I had made a mistake.

All I can say is, WOW! Folks, this is not folk. The best I can describe it is a funky combination of folk, bluegrass, gospel, rockabilly, and Dixieland. He’s put together a collection of talented musicians backing him playing horns, violin, banjo, accordion, and keyboards. The only “E Streeters” are Patty on backup vocals and Soozie on violin.

When Bruce covers something, it’s always his own interpretation. It never sounds like the original, and this is no different. This is not your daddy’s Pete Seeger and it seems like the type of thing that only Bruce could pull off.

I love it, and I’m not the only one. When I first put it on this morning, Kyla came running over and grabbed onto me, which is her way of showing that she likes something.

So, while I’m still waiting for “The E Street Band” to get back together, I’ll be listening to “The Seeger Sessions” and Kyla will be listening with me.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Do You Have Cancer?

If you come to me claiming you have cancer and you need money, you'd better be prepared to show me medical bills to back up your story.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Stones Lyrics

I will be your knight in shining armour
Riding across the desert
On a fine Arab charger

That can't be too comfortable.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Keeping It All In Perspective

Exxon Mobile Corp has made 8.4 billion dollars in the first quarter of this year. That’s so much damn money that it’s easier to write out “8.4 billion” then to try to figure out how many zeros that is.

I’m paying more for gas right now (almost $3.00 a gallon) then I’ve ever paid in my life (as is everyone else), and the world's largest oil company just pulled in the fifth highest quarterly profit for any public company in history. I just don’t know what to make of that.

I do know this though; it’s been quite some time since anyone has complained to me that they pay too much for their cable.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Another Columbine Tragedy

This is the dream I had last night.

I was watching the news. On the 7th anniversary of the Columbine Tragedy, the high school suffered another one. Authorities had determined that everyone had gotten out of the school this time and made it to safety except for one student, who was still inside and being held hostage. As near as they could tell, the culprit was a chicken.

A standoff ensued and was now being covered live. The chicken was not talking, it had not made any demands and no one knew what its agenda was or where it had even come from.

After a couple of hours it seemed as though the chicken had had enough. Apparently, it was not interested in giving in peacefully though, because instead of giving up the hostage and surrendering, it decided to make a break for it. It left the hostage inside and came charging out the front door headed towards the crowd, where, unfortunately it was gunned down by police.

The school was shut down for a couple of days and grief counseling was again offered to students and families. The only one who used it this time was the student, who was having a very difficult time coming to grips with the fact that he was a complete loser for being held hostage by a chicken.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

2006 Boston Marathon

After 39 years of living within a mile of the Boston Marathon route, I finally made it out to my first one yesterday. My friend Chris, who comments here as CC, was running in his first one. He was running to raise money for the Aids Action Committee, and we went out to cheer him on around the 21-mile mark.

If I’m reading the website correctly it looks like he finished in 4 hours, 5 minutes, and 52 seconds, an impressive feat.


I’d also like to extend my congratulations to everyone else who ran it, no matter how long it took them, and those who had the guts to try it, no matter how far they got.

This being my first marathon, I have to say I was not only amazed by the runners, but also by the people supporting the runners.

The spot we were in, right at the bottom of Heartbreak Hill, was packed with people, even 4 hours after the race began. We were there for about an hour, and during that time we were surrounded by people who were maniacally cheering on complete strangers.

It’s one thing to go to a ballgame and route for your team. Sure these people are pretty much strangers, but we know their names, know a little bit about them, and know that they play for the team we are rooting for.

In this case, just about every runner is a face in the crowd. Someone they have never seen before and will never see again. There were other people like us there, people who were waiting for a particular runner to come by so they could show them some support. But there were hundreds of people who were just rooting for everyone that went by.

It was constant cheering the entire time we were there. I’ve been at Fenway during a World Series and I’m not even sure the cheering during that was as consistent and unfaltering as what I heard during that hour yesterday.

I imagine that it’s like this along the entire 26 miles, and hearing that for the entire run must be an incredible boost for the runners. So, regardless of their motives for being there, they are there, and I have to believe that there are runners who finished when they might not have, finished faster than they might have, or maybe got a lot further than they would have, because these people were out there doing their thing, and they deserve some credit for that.

My hat goes off to all the marathon supporters.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Road Rash

Can anyone please tell me why so many people who are most likely reasonably intelligent and good-natured, become completely ignorant and inconsiderate fucktards when they get behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle?

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Fantastic Four Review

I finally got around to watching the Fantastic Four movie last night and here's my review:

That movie totally sucked. Jessica Alba is really hot.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Game 2

I'm not going to disect every game, but I thought it was important to followup on last nights fiasco after the great start we had on Monday.

Tim Wakefield is one of the few none question marks we have on this team. We know what we're going to get from him every season, maybe not every game, but every season. Nine times out of ten he's going to go out there and give this offense a chance to win the game. Every once in a while he's going to go out there and have a game like he did last night. No big deal. It sucks that it had to happen in the second game of the season on the heals of that great start by Schilling, it definitely gets magnified this early, but at the same time, it's a little easier to take, because of the great start by Schilling.

For everyone who's getting all over Josh Bard, I'd like to remind you that Mirabelli started out the same way. He didn't just become Wakefield's personal catcher and start handling the knuckleball smoothly overnight. In fact, he wasn't even his personal catcher right away, and when it was decided that's what he would do, it took him some time and a lot of hard work and practice (with different gloves) before he was able to do it. I'm not saying Bard is going to be great at it, but we can't start worrying about not having Mirabelli after one game.

Every once in a while Manny has a night where he looks completely clueless at the plate, and last night seemed to be one of them. I know he saw about 30 pitches for the night, fouling off a ton of them, including that 10-12 pitch at bat, and most people will say those were good at bats, and that may be true for a lot of hitters, but that's not Manny. When Manny's on he hits the ball, he doesn't foul them off like that. That wasn't a case of him fouling off tough pitches, it was a case of him not getting good wood on the ball.

Another big game tonight as we get our first look at Beckett and find out what he's got for us.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

KFC (Not Just Fried Chicken)

Is KFC (formerly known as Kentucky Fried Chicken) running a family restaurant or an adult nightclub?

Is it just me, or is there something not right about the names of their meals?

I can go into a KFC establishment and order a “Strip” or a “Breast”. I can have a seat and order a “Laptop”. If that’s not going to be enough for me I can go ahead and get myself the “Zinger Works”. If I’m still not satisfied I can go for the “Extreme”. And if I’m feeling particularly kinky that night I can just order myself up a “Twister” or even a “Twister Combo”.

KFC, they’re not just fried chicken anymore.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Lessons Not Learned

When the fuck are these pedophiles going to learn their lesson?


Chances now are pretty good that the person on the other end is not a 15 year old wanting to suck your dick, but an undercover law official wanting to bust your ass. DUH! That's not going to work anymore.

If you want to get away with it nowadays, you're gonna have to become a catholic priest.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Glad She's Back

I really am happy that Jill Carroll was released and appears to be unharmed. There have not been enough of these things with good endings, so this is truly an inspiring day.

But as I sit here watching the live press conference in which a representative of "The Christian Science Monitor" just wrapped up his speach, the cynic in me can't help thinking about how great it must be for them.

They get their reporter back alive and have a happy ending. But more importantly, whether they admit to it or not, they've gotten all of that free press over the last few months and will continue to receive it for quite some time.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


On my home today I stopped at the grocery store to pick up a couple of things. The woman in front of me paid by check. I had to wait for her to get out her checkbook, write the check, and hand it to the cashier who then had to go through all of the processing bullshit that comes along with writing a check.

I don't understand. I know checks still have their place in society. You still can't pay every bill online and there are still people out there who aren't online. There are times when you need to give someone money and you're better off writing a check than giving them cash.

But pulling out a checkbook in any kind of retail store is completely incomprehensible to me. If you've got a checkbook then you've got a checking account, and if you've got a checking account then you've got access to a debit card, and if you've got access to a debit card, why the fuck aren't you using it?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

No Death Penalty

I’ll start this by saying that I’m not a supporter of capitol punishment. Although I do not have a problem with someone being put to death that deserves it, I don’t think it’s worth taking the chance of making a mistake and putting someone to death who is innocent.

I really don’t think it’s a deterrent anyway; my only reason for wanting some scumbag to be put to death is so we don’t have to waste our tax money supporting the ass hole.

Now, having said that, I feel the complete opposite about this Zacarias Moussaoui fucker. This guy is pushing for the death penalty because he wants to die so he can “join Allah in the promised land”. Whether or not that will actually happen when he dies is a different story, but that’s what he believes is going to happen, and that is the exact reason he should not get the death penalty.

He should be tossed into a cell to rot away for the rest of his life, and everything in our power should be done to make sure he endures a long miserable existence.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Meet The New Cardinal, Same As The Old Cardinal


In the last 3 years since the old guy was ousted and the new guy was brought in, nothing has gotten better for the catholic church. In fact, if anything, with the closings of all of these parishes around here, I would say things have gotten worse.

I'm not sure what you're all so excited about. Now that the new guy has been promoted to a cardinal, the only thing that changes is his hat.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Big Ego?

I’m fairly certain that I never had a very big ego, but I think that may no longer be the case. I just sent an email out to all of my friends begging them to read my blog. It was thinly disguised as a gentle reminder that I’m out here writing this stuff, but none of them are stupid and neither am I, we all know what’s going on here.

I’m writing stuff. It may not be very good stuff, but it is stuff. And if I’m going to be writing stuff, then dammit, I want it to be read. And I’m going to do what I can to get people to read it, even if it means begging them by sending out emails that are trying to trick them into thinking I’m just reminding them about it.

Friday, March 17, 2006

The Big Hit

As you may have surmised from my post 2 below this one, I'm not really a big fan of Saint Patricks Day. To me, it's just an excuse for people to go out and get all boozed up and act stupid, as if they need an excuse for that. To each his own, I just have no use for it.

The one useful thing I do see in Saint Patty's Day is this: it's an opportunity to take out all of the dirty state politicians at once, as they all gather together in Southie.

Of course, they'd all just be replaced by new ones anyway, so nevermind.

Fiddler Seamus Connolly

I usually have the TV on in my office and it's usually tuned to NECN. I have the iPod on so I can't hear it and only turn it up if I see something interesting.

I happened to glance up at it and saw they were interviewing some guy named Seamus Connolly who is apparently a fiddler, because he was holding a fiddle and at the bottom of the screen it said "Fiddler Seamus Connolly".

Come on now, how can anyone calling himself a "fiddler" really expect to be taken seriously?

Evacuation Day

Today is a holiday in the city of Boston, MA and the rest of Suffolk County. In March of 1776, Henry Knox successfully completed his mission of retrieving the canon from the captured fort of Ticonderoga.

Washington then had them placed on top of Dorchester Heights in South Boston and aimed them down at the city. Realizing Washington had him dead to rights, General Howe agreed to take his troops and his fleet and get the hell out. They left Boston and sailed for Nova Scotia on March 17th.

The city has been celebrating this victory ever since, and in 1901 it finally became an official holiday. I've never really understood how all of the green beer, shamrocks, and leprechauns fit in.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Goblin Hunter

I don’t usually remember my dreams and when I do, they’re usually not very interesting. A couple of days ago I remembered one that was really strange. I decided to write it down to post here. As I was writing it, I realized that with a few changes it might actually make the premise for a good sci-fi series. So instead, I made those changes and decided to write it out that way.

I don’t know what I’m going to do with it, probably nothing, but I figured I’d post it here to see if I could get any opinions or suggestions for improvements from any of you sci-fi geeks reading.

I realize it’s not completely original; I’m a Joss Whedon fan. I know I’ve borrowed concepts from other things as well; I’m also an X-Men fan. I thought it might be an interesting twist on an old plot.

Goblin Hunter

Goblins, terrifying creatures of the night, the stuff of legends and fairy tales, at least that’s what most people believe. Then there are those of us who know better. For us, goblins are all too real; they lurk in the shadows just out of sight. We have recently discovered their existence but still don’t know much about them. They’re humanoid shaped with baldheads, deep eye sockets, and large ears. They generally only come out at night, and they’re responsible for countless unexplained deaths and disappearances.

The government has formed a secret goblin task force, and I am a member of this team. Our job is to ferret out hidden goblin bases and destroy them. It was during one of these forays that I was captured by goblins and brought back to one of these bases.

Here, I am told that I will be transformed into a goblin. My immediate concern is that I am going to lose my good looks and become a hideous abomination. I’m told that in my case it’s not likely. Apparently, all humans are born with a goblin gene. In most humans, it stays dormant. In a small percentage of humans it manifests with varying results.

Most result in heightened abilities, either senses, physical strength, reflexes, intellect, or psychic. Almost all result in a change in physical appearance, and a small percentage become mentally deranged. The gene can manifest any time in a person’s life, from a couple of months, to many decades. The goblins have developed technology using a combination of science and psychic means to sense at long ranges when the gene is about to manifest. They are also able to detect how a gene is going to develop.

If there is going to be no physical change or mental instability, then the person is left alone to make his or her way in life. We see them everyday as scientists, psychics, hall of fame athletes, etc.

All others are brought back and integrated into goblin society. They are successful in locating and retrieving 99.9% of them; which is the reason we do not see them running around in our world. The idea is to save them from a life of torment, persecution, or worse. In cases of mental instability, it is also to prevent them from hurting themselves or others. This would explain the mystery of so many unsolved missing person cases. The .01% not recovered are still out there. Some are in mental institutions, some in prison, some in circus sideshows, and unfortunately, some are still lurking.

During my transformation, which takes about a month, I learn more about these “goblins” and their community. They are nothing like we’ve been lead to believe. In fact, for the most part, they are much like us with the exception of their looks and unusual abilities. They have been around for as long as the human race has been in existence. The ones who were altered in appearance were feared and branded as monsters. Eventually enough of them managed to get together and form their own society. Over time, because of their superior abilities, they advanced ahead of us technologically. They used these technological advances to create hidden bases all over the world; which would house them and keep them safe from us.

Despite the fact that they have been driven to this, they still care about humanity. They try their best to capture, or destroy if necessary, those who have become unstable and have escaped detection. They have not figured out why the gene is not detectable in certain individuals, but there are certain signs that tell whether or not a goblin could be involved in murders, crimes or other strange occurrences. They have also discovered that there are other things out there involved in many of these that are worse, much worse, and a couple of rogue goblins may be the least of humanities problems. Still they are willing to do what they can to help.

Their appearance prevents them from working out in the open; which in turn has always made it difficult to work these cases, and now that we know they exist and are actively hunting them, it has become even more difficult.

This is where I come in. As I mentioned already, until recently, they ignored those of us whose gene did not cause change in physical appearance or mental stability. I’m one of those people. In addition, I am also a rare breed whose gene resulted in the development of more than one ability. My changes consist of heightened senses, reflexes, physical strength, and psychic abilities. This, combined with my government training and knowledge, makes me the perfect operative for the goblins to work in the human world. The hope is that I will be the first of many.

I used to be a goblin hunter. My job was to help save humanity from monsters lurking in the darkness. Now I work for the goblins, but my job is still the same.

Mad Cow Is Back

I had the news on last night, as they were heading to a break they went through a few quick blurbs of what was coming up. One of these blurbs was the above statment, "mad cow is back".

I thought to myself, "who keeps pissing of this poor cow and why don't they just leave her alone"?

Sunday, March 12, 2006


I was at the fruit and vegetable store today. I understand that this fruit originated in Asia and I assume that the name is derived from either Chinese or Japanese; which is probably fine over there. But seriously, how the fuck can anyone be expected to say that name over here without giggling or just plain laughing out loud? You know you never have.

They change the names of well known ballparks, stadiums, sports teams, streets, and even cities and towns occasionally. People change their names all the time. Well known companies constantly change names as they are bought and sold. Why can't they change the name of a fucking fruit?

Friday, March 10, 2006

Mysteries and Conspiracies

If anyone's interested, here are a few mysteries and conspiracies that I've solved over the last few years:

JFK was assassinated by republicans from the 22nd century who thought they traced the downfall of their party to the rise in power of his administration. They used new technology to travel back in time and eliminate him before this could happen. Unfortunately for him, and them, they were not smart enough to realize that the real cause of their downfall had taken office at the beginning of the 21st century.

Watergate was actually the cover up of an alien plot to take over the world. When the head alien, disguised as a human and calling himself Richard Nixon, realized the plot was about to become exposed, he and his henchmen made it look like they were trying to cover up a plot by his administration to undermine political opposition in the public anti-war movement and the Democratic Party.

Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman were murdered by a clone of O.J. Simpson. In the early 90’s, scientists were succesful in creating the first human clone. Thinking he was a perfect specimen because of his All American Image on and off the football field, they chose the DNA of O.J.

For the first test they decided to send it to the home of O.J.’s ex-wife to see if she could tell the difference. Unfortuately, the cloning process was not perfected, the clone was mentally unstable, and thinking it was still married to Nicole, it killed both of them in a jealous rage.

Elvis is alive. After tiring of all the public attention, he staged his own death. However he did miss the thrill of live performances and is currently living in Las Vegas doing nightly performances as one of the many Elvis impersonaters.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Person of Interest

I find this interesting (pun intended). As far as I can recall, I first heard this term earlier this year being used during the Neil Entwistle case, before they actually arrested him on suspicion of double homocide. I next heard it this week being used to describe Darryl Littlejohn, and it now looks like he will be charged with the murder of Imette Saint Guillen very shortly.

I "Wikipedia'd" it, it looks to be a relatively new term, and apparently there is no formal definition, but basically, it seems that if you are tagged as a "person of interest", you are pretty much screwed.

So, although it may be flattering to be described as an "interesting person", YOU NEVER EVER EVER want to find yourself being referred to as a "person of interest".

I would be remiss if I did not give Kristen some credit for this one. It seems we both had a similar idea about it yesterday and ended up discussing it last night, where she suggested I blog it.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


"Robin Hood: Men in Tights" is coming out on DVD on April 4th. I've been waiting forever to see this movie again. For some reason it has never been released on DVD and it's been quite some time since it's been shown on any of the cable movie channels (that I know of anyway).

Now I just hope it's as funny as I remember it being.

Weighing In On The New Barry Bonds Steroid Book



Sometimes I wake up in the morning with some strange thoughts in my head, I have no idea where they come from, but I thought I would start writing them down. Here's the first one:

David Justice- Not quite a "Hall of Famer", but a very solid and noteworthy big league career. 1571 hits, 305 home runs, 3-time all-star, played in the post-season in 10 of his 14 years, including 6 World Series of which he won 2.

But personally, I think his biggest accomplishment was screwing Halle Berry for a couple of years.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I can't stop listening to the "Queens of the Stone Age" latest, "Lullabies to Paralyze".

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Boston Massacre

Today is the anniversary of “The Boston Massacre”.

I’m not talking about that cursed 4 days at the beginning of September 1978 involving Torrez, Fiske, Hunter, and Jackson that cost us a pennant.

I’m talking about that single day at the beginning of March 1770 involving Garrick, Attucks, Preston, and White that sparked a revolution and became one of the biggest pieces of propaganda in history.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Effa Manley

I'm not sure what to make of this, if there's anything to make of it at all. I felt it was at least necessary to point out. The first female to be elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame is named Manley.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Still President

I woke up this morning and George Bush was still President of the United States.

One of these mornings I'm going to wake up and this will no longer be the case. It may not be until about 3 years from now, but it will happen.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

It's Been a Good Week

When it rains it pours. I go over a week without posting anything and then 2 posts in one day.

Nazi homophobe Jacob Robida ended his miserable existence. I’m saddened that a state trooper had to die in the process, but I was hoping that this thing would end in his death so no one would have to go through the bullshit of a trial.

The cops finally figured out what the rest of us knew all along and arrested British scumbag Neil Entwistle for the murder of his wife and child.

The Red Sox affiliated Lowell Spinners began a campaign to eliminate the name Yankees from all youth baseball leagues across New England. They will pay for all replacement jerseys for any team that changes from the Yankees to the Spinners, as well as allow each team to play one of their games in the Spinners ballpark.

Good for them, I hope it works, and it’s about time it happened. How can we teach our young Sox fans to properly hate the Yankees when half the leagues in New England are still featuring Yankee teams? I had to suffer the indignity myself as a kid and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

And finally, U2 and Green Day struck back for the rockers last night at the Grammy’s, putting an end, at least temporarily, to the reign of rap and pop.

I'm Back

Before I started this blog, it seemed like every day I had something I wanted to write about. I kept putting the blog off because I was afraid that as soon as I started it, I would run out of things to say. I finally said, “to hell with it”, and started the damn thing. And of course, I quickly ran out of things to say.

I’ve decided that I’m not going to fill it with crap, just to put something on here on a regular basis. Yeah, I know, the name of the blog is “Primarily Crap”, but there’s interesting crap and then there’s crappy crap, and even a site dedicated to crap has its limits.

So anyway, my apologies if you’re reading this and I’m not updating enough.

In the meantime, this morning I finally got around to catching up on the other blogs I read and found out I’ve been tagged. That means that my name was at the bottom of this list so I have to make one of my own. This is the kind of stuff that I used to get in email all the time, now I guess it’s making its way around blogs. Seeing as I haven’t written anything in a while, I figured I might as well do it.

4 jobs I’ve had:
1. Computer Operator (MIT)
2. Wholesale Diamond Transporter
3. Retail Associate (Bed & Bath)
4. Audit Supervisor (Comcast) 16 years this Sunday

Wholesale Diamond Transporter is not as exciting as it may sound. I did see a dead guy once, oh wait, that was when I was working at Bed & Bath.

4 movies I can watch over and over
1. Bull Durham
2. The Princess Bride
3. The Lord of the Rings trilogy
4. Star Trek movies 2-6

Hey, I squeezed 10 movies into a list of 4

4 places I have lived
1. 1st floor of my parents house
2. 2nd floor of my parents house
3. basement of my parents house
4. back to 1rst floor of my parents house

Yeah, I get around

4 TV shows I love
1. Battlestar Galactica
2. Lost
3. 24
4. The Office

4 places I’ve vacationed
1. Bermuda
2. Ft. Lauderdale
3. Cape Cod
4. LA and San Diego

4 of my favorite dishes
1. pizza
2. I’m not big on food so I’m done with this one

4 sites I visit daily
1. Boston Dirt Dogs
2. Rotoworld
3. Boston Globe
4. Sci-Fi Wire

4 places I’d rather be right now
1. Fenway Park
2. I don’t know, I guess I’m fine where I am

4 people I am tagging
1. Penny
2. Kristen
3. Frank
4. Chris

Assuming you’re all still reading my blog, you can just post in the comments.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Breakfast Is Served

Of the list of possible replacements I saw for the other guy that used to play center, Coco Crisp was at the top in my book. This is the guy I wanted to get so I’m pretty happy about it.

Here’s the way I see the entire trade. Starting with the catchers, I think it’s a wash. Shoppach and Bard are pretty similar to me. Shoppach is 25 and has had only a handful of ML at bats. He’s been taking a long time to develop and although it looks like he might finally be ready he was only going to be a backup here for the next few years anyway. Bard is a couple of years older with a lot more ML experience. He never quite developed into the player that the Indians thought he would be, but he should probably be pretty solid for us as Tek’s backup and might not be too far off from what Mirabelli was.

The reliever situation is a little strange to me. You’ve got 2 questionable pitchers changing teams. I guess it all depends on what each team believes they’re going to get from said pitcher. Mota was one of the top set up men in ‘03’ and ‘04’ but he was slowed by injuries last year and there are still questions as to whether or not he has recovered enough to be effective again, and last the entire season. Riske has been pretty solid for the last 3 years in Cleveland pitching at least 70 innings with good numbers. But there is some question as to whether or not he can handle pressure situations. The Indians never really gave him the chance last year after he blew some saves in ‘04’. We know Mota can handle it mentally, but not physically. It’s other way around for Riske, so it really depends on what chance you prefer to take. I like the one we’re taking.

We did have to throw in a player to be named in order to appease the Indians because of Mota’s shoulder. I’m glad it didn’t end up being Delcarmen.

The only bad part I see about this trade is giving up Marte. He’s one of the top prospects in baseball and I felt like we got him for a steal from the Braves in the Renteria trade. It’s tough to see him go like this, but the way I look at it is, he’s still a prospect and hasn’t proven anything in the Major Leagues yet and we got a player that we really needed for him.

Of course that player is Crisp. Here’s my prediction. Crisp will become a fan favorite very quickly and make all of us forget about old “what’s his name”, see I’ve already forgotten him. We have him for the next 4 years, which is the same amount of time the other guy is signed for with his new club.

During this period, we will see 2 very similar players. Crisp is just as good of a defensive outfielder with a slightly better arm, and probably just as tough. Offensively I think they will put up very similar numbers with Crisp getting a little better each year and the other guy slowly declining. As of right now, the other guy will probably walk a little more and most likely score more runs with that offense behind him. But Crisp will get better at taking pitches and he’ll learn to get on base more as time goes by.

I think right now that Crisp will steal more bases, hit more doubles and home runs, and be right up there in batting average. By the end of the 4 years he’ll have the superior numbers.

This is a great trade for us, even if Marte goes on to bash the hell out of the ball like most think he will. It looks with the addition of Crisp we keep a pretty solid offense on the field and can go ahead and sign Alex Gonzalez to play SS, if it hasn’t already been done.

We still have quite a few question marks, but at least one of the big ones has been answered.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I Don't Like Ice Skating

Kyla had her first ice-skating lesson last night. This was Penny’s idea as I am not an ice skater.

It was the first time I had been inside a skating rink since I was a kid. As we walked in, I was struck immediately by the atmosphere; the smell, the sites, the sounds, etc. Childhood memories came flooding back instantly. Memories that I realized I’m not very fond of and have probably never even thought about until last night.

As I mentioned, I’m not a skater. I never have been. I sucked at it and I hated it. I did it because all the other kids were doing it. Usually a couple of parents would load us all into a car or two and haul us down to the local rink for the afternoon.

No matter how much I tried I just couldn’t get the hang of it and really didn’t want to anyway. The only thing I liked about it was when it was finally over and we all took off our skates and got the hell outta there, usually going to McDonald’s or someplace like that.

The strange thing is, I didn’t actually realize at the time how much I hated it. It wasn’t until last night when I walked into that rink and it hit me in the face like a Russell Crowe hurled hotel phone. Right away I thought, wow, I really don’t fucking like ice-skating, and those times at the rink as a kid were some of the most miserable times of my life.

Needless to say, I won’t be getting on the ice with Kyla. That’ll be Penny’s thing. My thing is the bike, and I decided last night that my goal for this spring/summer is to get her going on the 2-wheeler and then the bike riding will be our thing.

Who Are You Trying to Punish?

This article is copied from Boston.com:

Miffed wife reportedly snips hubby's penis

January 23, 2006

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia --A Cambodian man received 25 stitches to his penis after his wife attempted to sever the organ with scissors after a domestic dispute, a newspaper reported Tuesday.

Khay Kaing, 40, returned home early Saturday after a night of drinking and karaoke with friends in Kampong Cham province, 50 miles northeast of the capital Phnom Penh, the Koh Santepheap, or Island of Peace, newspaper reported.

An argument ensued and he allegedly slapped his wife. As the man got into bed his wife came at him with the scissors and attempted to cut off his penis, the newspaper reported, not detailing whether she succeeded.

Kang Sakhan, the provincial police chief, confirmed the incident but did not provide details.

The newspaper said after being attacked, the man walked some 1,640 feet to a relative's home to seek help and was later taken to a village doctor who administered the sutures.

Okay, so there's the story, now here's what I don't get. This woman obviously did not think this through very well. In the Bobbitt case, I can understand why Lorena did it. The guy wasn't satisfying her, and she was pretty much done with him anyway, so since she's probably going to leave him, she might as well punish him by chopping off his wanker on the way out, that'll teach him for being selfish and not giving her an orgasm. Makes perfect sense to me.

But this case seems different. We don't have all the details so I could be wrong, but it looks to me as though this may have just been a lover's spat. The woman is a little ticked off that the guy was out too late with his friends, they get into an argument and he slaps her. Now I'm not condoning slapping the woman, but if I'm right and this is just a minor quarrel and she's planning on sticking with him, isn't she just punishing herself?

Monday, January 16, 2006


As we celebrate the life of a great man today, I find myself pondering this question: Does the fact that I despise bigots actually make me a bigot?

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Celebrity Couples

I'm not a big celebrity follower, I don't even know who many of them are, but if you watch the news enough you can't avoid knowing about some of them. So here are some thoughts on a couple of celebrity couples, or in this case, a couple and a threesome.

Sheryl Crowe is known for being in incredible shape and working out religiously to stay that way. Lance Armstrong is a 7-time Tour de France winner. When those 2 get it on, it must go on forever.

I don't blame Brad Pitt for doing what he did. The way I see it, if you have the chance to marry Jennifer Anniston, you take it. If you have the chance to "do it" with Angelina Jolie, you have to go for that too. It's just unfortunate for him that it happened in the wrong order.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I CAN'T See For Miles

So, this morning a few minutes before I was leaving for work, I took my glasses off to wipe my eyes. I put them down, and then somehow, never picked them up and put them back on.

During my drive to work (all 7 minutes of it) I felt like something wasn't right, but couldn't figure out what it was. I get into my office, turn on the TV, turn on the computer, and sit down at my desk. Suddenly it hits me, I can't fucking see!

Now I understand why the ride to work didn't quite feel right. I understand why I almost hit that guy who was stepping out in front of me as I was getting ready to pull out of a side street.

There was no way I was going to get through the day without them so I had to get back in my van and drive back home to get them. Fortunately I made it all the way back without anyone getting hurt.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Sign Ons and Passwords and PIN's, Oh MY

When the hell did my life become a series of sign ons and passwords? I don't think I go more than a day without having to put in a password somewhere.

Although I try to keep them all the same, it's not always possible. Here at work I have 4 different apps I use that each require the password to be changed every 90 days. And even with that, I try to keep them the same and just change a number at the end, but some have to have at least one capital, some cannot have the same password repeated within a 12 month period, some need to have a minimum of 6 characters, some 8, etc. I just opened my draw to look at my little sticky to see what my current password is for one of those apps. Without that, I'd be lost.

And that's just work related. I have no idea how many web sites I need to log onto with a sign on and password. Fortunately with most of those, I stay automatically signed on most of the time, plus for the most part, I'm usually able to use the same sign on and password. How many times did I use the word "most" in the previous sentence?

Anyway, even with these sites, if someone already has the sign on I use, I have to switch to another one, and occasionally I come across one that will not accept the standard password I always try to use and I have to use a variation.

I can't even begin to count how many times I've had to have either my sign on, password, or both emailed to me so I could sign on to something. Most of those I don't have written down anywhere, but I suppose I should probably start.

Oh yeah, and then there are PIN's. The PIN for my ATM, the PIN for my gas card at work, the PIN to access my 401k account, etc. How is it that my head hasn't exploded yet?

I can't even memorize Penny's cell phone number or the password to access my voicemail at home, so how the hell does anyone expect me to memorize all of this other stuff? Ironically though, I can still tell you the phone numbers of all of my friends when we were growing up, I just can't memorize any of their new ones.

I know a lot of that has to do with the fact that I have them all programmed into my cell phone so I don't need to memorize them. I'm a victim of technology. Really, what I am is just a simple man trying to make my way in a complicated world.

Can someone please hold my hand?

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Sharon Stroke

Well, here's the first entry of the new blog.

When I first heard this last night I was not looking at or paying much attention to the TV. All I heard were the words "Sharon" and "stroke". At first I thought they were talking about former "Extreme" and "Van Halen" frontman Gary Cherone. That would have made for a much different morning today.

Instead of Israeli's mourning and Palestinians celebrating, it would have been "Extreme" fans mourning and "Van Halen" fans celebrating.