Thursday, March 09, 2006

Person of Interest

I find this interesting (pun intended). As far as I can recall, I first heard this term earlier this year being used during the Neil Entwistle case, before they actually arrested him on suspicion of double homocide. I next heard it this week being used to describe Darryl Littlejohn, and it now looks like he will be charged with the murder of Imette Saint Guillen very shortly.

I "Wikipedia'd" it, it looks to be a relatively new term, and apparently there is no formal definition, but basically, it seems that if you are tagged as a "person of interest", you are pretty much screwed.

So, although it may be flattering to be described as an "interesting person", YOU NEVER EVER EVER want to find yourself being referred to as a "person of interest".

I would be remiss if I did not give Kristen some credit for this one. It seems we both had a similar idea about it yesterday and ended up discussing it last night, where she suggested I blog it.

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