Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Goblin Hunter

I don’t usually remember my dreams and when I do, they’re usually not very interesting. A couple of days ago I remembered one that was really strange. I decided to write it down to post here. As I was writing it, I realized that with a few changes it might actually make the premise for a good sci-fi series. So instead, I made those changes and decided to write it out that way.

I don’t know what I’m going to do with it, probably nothing, but I figured I’d post it here to see if I could get any opinions or suggestions for improvements from any of you sci-fi geeks reading.

I realize it’s not completely original; I’m a Joss Whedon fan. I know I’ve borrowed concepts from other things as well; I’m also an X-Men fan. I thought it might be an interesting twist on an old plot.

Goblin Hunter

Goblins, terrifying creatures of the night, the stuff of legends and fairy tales, at least that’s what most people believe. Then there are those of us who know better. For us, goblins are all too real; they lurk in the shadows just out of sight. We have recently discovered their existence but still don’t know much about them. They’re humanoid shaped with baldheads, deep eye sockets, and large ears. They generally only come out at night, and they’re responsible for countless unexplained deaths and disappearances.

The government has formed a secret goblin task force, and I am a member of this team. Our job is to ferret out hidden goblin bases and destroy them. It was during one of these forays that I was captured by goblins and brought back to one of these bases.

Here, I am told that I will be transformed into a goblin. My immediate concern is that I am going to lose my good looks and become a hideous abomination. I’m told that in my case it’s not likely. Apparently, all humans are born with a goblin gene. In most humans, it stays dormant. In a small percentage of humans it manifests with varying results.

Most result in heightened abilities, either senses, physical strength, reflexes, intellect, or psychic. Almost all result in a change in physical appearance, and a small percentage become mentally deranged. The gene can manifest any time in a person’s life, from a couple of months, to many decades. The goblins have developed technology using a combination of science and psychic means to sense at long ranges when the gene is about to manifest. They are also able to detect how a gene is going to develop.

If there is going to be no physical change or mental instability, then the person is left alone to make his or her way in life. We see them everyday as scientists, psychics, hall of fame athletes, etc.

All others are brought back and integrated into goblin society. They are successful in locating and retrieving 99.9% of them; which is the reason we do not see them running around in our world. The idea is to save them from a life of torment, persecution, or worse. In cases of mental instability, it is also to prevent them from hurting themselves or others. This would explain the mystery of so many unsolved missing person cases. The .01% not recovered are still out there. Some are in mental institutions, some in prison, some in circus sideshows, and unfortunately, some are still lurking.

During my transformation, which takes about a month, I learn more about these “goblins” and their community. They are nothing like we’ve been lead to believe. In fact, for the most part, they are much like us with the exception of their looks and unusual abilities. They have been around for as long as the human race has been in existence. The ones who were altered in appearance were feared and branded as monsters. Eventually enough of them managed to get together and form their own society. Over time, because of their superior abilities, they advanced ahead of us technologically. They used these technological advances to create hidden bases all over the world; which would house them and keep them safe from us.

Despite the fact that they have been driven to this, they still care about humanity. They try their best to capture, or destroy if necessary, those who have become unstable and have escaped detection. They have not figured out why the gene is not detectable in certain individuals, but there are certain signs that tell whether or not a goblin could be involved in murders, crimes or other strange occurrences. They have also discovered that there are other things out there involved in many of these that are worse, much worse, and a couple of rogue goblins may be the least of humanities problems. Still they are willing to do what they can to help.

Their appearance prevents them from working out in the open; which in turn has always made it difficult to work these cases, and now that we know they exist and are actively hunting them, it has become even more difficult.

This is where I come in. As I mentioned already, until recently, they ignored those of us whose gene did not cause change in physical appearance or mental stability. I’m one of those people. In addition, I am also a rare breed whose gene resulted in the development of more than one ability. My changes consist of heightened senses, reflexes, physical strength, and psychic abilities. This, combined with my government training and knowledge, makes me the perfect operative for the goblins to work in the human world. The hope is that I will be the first of many.

I used to be a goblin hunter. My job was to help save humanity from monsters lurking in the darkness. Now I work for the goblins, but my job is still the same.

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