Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Who Are You Trying to Punish?

This article is copied from Boston.com:

Miffed wife reportedly snips hubby's penis

January 23, 2006

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia --A Cambodian man received 25 stitches to his penis after his wife attempted to sever the organ with scissors after a domestic dispute, a newspaper reported Tuesday.

Khay Kaing, 40, returned home early Saturday after a night of drinking and karaoke with friends in Kampong Cham province, 50 miles northeast of the capital Phnom Penh, the Koh Santepheap, or Island of Peace, newspaper reported.

An argument ensued and he allegedly slapped his wife. As the man got into bed his wife came at him with the scissors and attempted to cut off his penis, the newspaper reported, not detailing whether she succeeded.

Kang Sakhan, the provincial police chief, confirmed the incident but did not provide details.

The newspaper said after being attacked, the man walked some 1,640 feet to a relative's home to seek help and was later taken to a village doctor who administered the sutures.

Okay, so there's the story, now here's what I don't get. This woman obviously did not think this through very well. In the Bobbitt case, I can understand why Lorena did it. The guy wasn't satisfying her, and she was pretty much done with him anyway, so since she's probably going to leave him, she might as well punish him by chopping off his wanker on the way out, that'll teach him for being selfish and not giving her an orgasm. Makes perfect sense to me.

But this case seems different. We don't have all the details so I could be wrong, but it looks to me as though this may have just been a lover's spat. The woman is a little ticked off that the guy was out too late with his friends, they get into an argument and he slaps her. Now I'm not condoning slapping the woman, but if I'm right and this is just a minor quarrel and she's planning on sticking with him, isn't she just punishing herself?

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