Saturday, April 22, 2006

Another Columbine Tragedy

This is the dream I had last night.

I was watching the news. On the 7th anniversary of the Columbine Tragedy, the high school suffered another one. Authorities had determined that everyone had gotten out of the school this time and made it to safety except for one student, who was still inside and being held hostage. As near as they could tell, the culprit was a chicken.

A standoff ensued and was now being covered live. The chicken was not talking, it had not made any demands and no one knew what its agenda was or where it had even come from.

After a couple of hours it seemed as though the chicken had had enough. Apparently, it was not interested in giving in peacefully though, because instead of giving up the hostage and surrendering, it decided to make a break for it. It left the hostage inside and came charging out the front door headed towards the crowd, where, unfortunately it was gunned down by police.

The school was shut down for a couple of days and grief counseling was again offered to students and families. The only one who used it this time was the student, who was having a very difficult time coming to grips with the fact that he was a complete loser for being held hostage by a chicken.

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