Thursday, February 09, 2006

It's Been a Good Week

When it rains it pours. I go over a week without posting anything and then 2 posts in one day.

Nazi homophobe Jacob Robida ended his miserable existence. I’m saddened that a state trooper had to die in the process, but I was hoping that this thing would end in his death so no one would have to go through the bullshit of a trial.

The cops finally figured out what the rest of us knew all along and arrested British scumbag Neil Entwistle for the murder of his wife and child.

The Red Sox affiliated Lowell Spinners began a campaign to eliminate the name Yankees from all youth baseball leagues across New England. They will pay for all replacement jerseys for any team that changes from the Yankees to the Spinners, as well as allow each team to play one of their games in the Spinners ballpark.

Good for them, I hope it works, and it’s about time it happened. How can we teach our young Sox fans to properly hate the Yankees when half the leagues in New England are still featuring Yankee teams? I had to suffer the indignity myself as a kid and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

And finally, U2 and Green Day struck back for the rockers last night at the Grammy’s, putting an end, at least temporarily, to the reign of rap and pop.

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