Monday, March 12, 2007

See Ya Later Alligator

Could someone please explain to me why anyone would want to keep a 6 foot, 125 pound alligator in their basement? I know about the stories of people buying baby alligators as pets and then getting rid of them once they start getting too big and people realize that they do not make good pets. I never understood why these people did not have the foresight to realize this in the first place.

But at least in most cases, they do realize it and get rid of the thing. What the hell were these people thinking? I don’t care if it was your brothers and he died, you don’t keep the alligator to honor his memory. He shouldn’t have had it in the first place.

Never mind the fact that it’s dangerous, it also must have been a bitch to feed, not to mention expensive. It’s also not fair to the alligator; which was cooped up in a 12x8 Plexiglas cage and did not have enough water to submerge in.

The alligator appeared to be “well-nourished and had good muscle tone”, but I can’t believe that it actually got enough to eat, at least not as much as it would have in the wild; which may have been evidenced by the fact that it was about 4 feet shorter than the average alligator of it’s age. And regardless, what the hell kind of life is that, living in a 12x8 Plexiglas enclosure? Did these people think that they were actually treating the alligator well?

Apparently they were not too happy about losing the alligator. Are you fucking kidding me? Are they going to miss all those nights of snuggling up with it, all the belly rubs, and all those days of playing fetch?

And apparently there are quite a few other people in this town (and I’m sure in many others) keeping alligators as pets. I would love to be able to understand what goes on in the minds of people like this.

As disturbing to me as this is, here’s a quote from one of the articles I linked too that might be even more disturbing:

"We've learned how to deal with everything from monkeys to elephants, alligators, snakes — a lot of exotic animals," Rooks said. "There's a whole slew of critters that are not legal."

Did that guy say elephants?

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