Tuesday, March 13, 2007

An Announcement About Nothing

Apparently Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel’s name has been discussed as a potential Republican presidential candidate in 2008.

On March 7, 2007, Senator Hagel's office announced that he would make an appearance in his home state to "discuss his future plans”. Speculation at the time was that this announcement could entail anything from a run at the presidency in 2008, a 2008 Senatorial re-election campaign, or plans to leave the political sphere after his current term in the Senate expires.

Yesterday he gathered the press together in Omaha for a nationally televised conference, stepped up to the podium, and announced, "I am here today to announce that my family and I will make a decision on my political future later this year."

You gotta love politics, where a person can attract all kinds of national media attention and then make a statement about nothing. Maybe this guy’s been watching too much “Seinfeld”.

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