Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Original Fire Has Died and Gone

About a month ago, Chris Cornell left Audioslave, and as much as I love Audioslave, I don’t really care that much. The fact is, it’s not so much Audioslave’s music that I love; it’s Cornell’s. He wrote it all, just like he did with all the music from Soundgarden and his two solo albums (second one forthcoming in June). And it really doesn’t matter what he does next, whether it’s to continue solo, or form a new band, he’s going to write the music and surround himself with good musicians to record it, and I’ll probably like it. Besides, 7 years and 3 albums is a long time for a super group to stay together.

Would the music he’s made over the past 7 years been different if he didn’t have Rage Against the Machine as his backup band? Of course it would have, he wrote that music with those 3 guys in mind. Different but most likely still good and I still probably would have listened to it and enjoyed it. Although we’ll probably get a sense of what that music would have been like without the band when he releases his new album in June, consisting of music he wrote during that time which did not fit the Audioslave mold.

Anyway, although I knew he left the band, I only just now got around to finding out why, or at least supposedly why, according to sources from the New York Post that claim it was over money. Apparently Cornell was not happy with the fact that he wrote all the music, but the four of them split the money equally. IF this is true, it’s pretty petty of him.

I mean seriously, how much money do you need? Is he still having fun making music with this band? If the answer is no then that’s a different story, it’s time to move on. But if the answer is yes, than so what if you’re splitting the money equally with your band mates even though you did all the writing. It’s not like you did extra work that you normally wouldn’t have done and you should be paid more for it. You were writing that stuff regardless and you happened to have 3 great musicians to play and record it with. Get over yourself dammit, and just enjoy writing and playing your music and having fun with it. I wish I had half the ability you have.

Anyway, rant over. It’s too bad it had to go down this way because I’m sure they still had a lot of good music left in them together. But then again, although I definitely liked all 3 of their albums, I admit that I liked each one a little less than the previous one, so maybe this is for the best.

“Rage” is getting back together to do a benefit show in April and although they’re claiming it’s a one-time thing, Tom Morello isn’t ruling out future collaborations. That’s good news for “Rage” fans, although personally I’m not one of them.

As for us Cornell fans, it probably doesn’t matter who he’s making music with, it’ll most likely be good and we’ll most likely like it. I just wish the guy didn’t have to be such an ass about it.

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