Sunday, March 04, 2007

I Hate Jigsaw Puzzles

I just helped Kyla put together a 100-piece jigsaw puzzle, I CAN NOT STAND jigsaw puzzles, I absolutely despise them. There are not many other things on this earth that I consider to be a bigger waste of valuable time. It’s just a picture on a piece of cardboard that has been chopped up into a certain number of pieces and has to be put back together again. If you didn’t chop it up to begin with, I wouldn’t have to waste my time putting it back together.

I can see the appeal of it for kids. I remember as a kid putting some together up at my grandmother’s house and feeling a sense of accomplishment when I was done. But as I got older I found that there were millions of other things that I would much rather be spending my time doing.

Kyla is at a stage in her life where she enjoys putting them together. She has a bunch of them and every once in a while she pulls a couple out and works on them. Although she’s perfectly capable of completing them herself, she often asks for help, mostly because she likes doing things together then because she actually needs help. Of course I enjoy spending time with her, but I dread hearing those words, “daddy can you help me?”, when I see here sitting at the table working on a jigsaw puzzle. I would much rather hear her say something like, “daddy can I inject you with a dose of hyoscine-pentothal?”, or “daddy, can I strap you into this iron maiden?”.

That’s right, if you ever need to torture me for information, or just for the sheer pleasure of it, all you have to do is lock me up in an empty room with nothing but a 10,000 piece jigsaw puzzle and the instructions that I will not be let out of the room until I either complete the puzzle or give up the information.

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