Saturday, March 31, 2007

Ain't Isn't a Word

It ain’t? At least that’s what I was always taught. However as I was perusing my list of songs on my iPod I noticed that there were quite a few of them that had the word “ain’t” in the title.

And after doing a search for the word, I found a total of 40 songs. And those are just song titles, the number of songs that use the word somewhere in the song is uncountable.

I decided to look the word up in my trusty on-line dictionary (I never go anywhere without it, well I never go anywhere where there’s an internet connection without it) and here’s what I found:


So, you can say that ain’t ain’t a word if you want to, but you ain’t gonna convince me that it ain’t.

Oh and don’t even start with the word “gonna”, because I found that one in there too.

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