Saturday, March 18, 2006

Big Ego?

I’m fairly certain that I never had a very big ego, but I think that may no longer be the case. I just sent an email out to all of my friends begging them to read my blog. It was thinly disguised as a gentle reminder that I’m out here writing this stuff, but none of them are stupid and neither am I, we all know what’s going on here.

I’m writing stuff. It may not be very good stuff, but it is stuff. And if I’m going to be writing stuff, then dammit, I want it to be read. And I’m going to do what I can to get people to read it, even if it means begging them by sending out emails that are trying to trick them into thinking I’m just reminding them about it.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I read it! Sometimes I even comment! I've even linked you from my blog, which I notice you haven't done in reverse. :P

Bob said...

I know you read it and I appreciate the link from your blog. But you must not have looked at mine very closely because I have a link for yours as well, and it's been there since I created this thing.

Anonymous said...

Got it - you only see the "links" section from the front page, not the individual story page. Blogger is dumb that way. :)

Anonymous said...

Keep writing and I'll keep reading.

I need to leave more comments.

- CC

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob,

I never thought you had a big ego, nor do I now. I appreciate the reminder and I enjoy all of your postings. Keep on writing!


Anonymous said...

Just leaving a comment to say that I got your email.


You are now officially bookmarked in Firefox. Be prepared to see comments!
