Friday, February 02, 2007

You Can Not Drive A Toy Car

Why is it that whenever there is a movie that involves little people, one or more of them always gets into a toy car and starts driving it around like it was real?

Look, I know that you have to have a certain suspension of disbelief when you’re watching these fantasy movies, and I do. I believe that a shrink ray could be invented and really work on people, I believe that somewhere out there, there could be a talking mouse who acts like a human being, I believe that it’s possible for all of the wax figures, including the miniatures, to come to life at night when the museum is closed; but once you put one of those people, or mice, into a toy car and have them start driving it around, I’m sorry, but that’s where you lose me.

This is a toy, it does not have a working stearing wheel, gas pedal, brake, or engine. Sometimes they're radio controlled but that only means that it is controlled by radio waives from a remote device of some kind. I don’t give a crap how fucking small you are, it is physically impossible to drive the damn car.

So, if you want me to believe that somewhere in this world there is a tribe of people that are so small they are referred to as "The Invisibles", or that action figures and other toys are really alive but only do their thing when humans aren’t around, then fine, I’m game, doesn’t sound all that far fetched to me, but please, please, please, keep them out of the toy cars, because once you go there, that’s it for me, I’m out, give me my money back and find someone else to watch your story.

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