Friday, February 16, 2007

Shrink Ray Breasts

I like to check the stat tracker on my blog once in a while to see who visited it and what brought them here. One of the items I can check is what key word searches were used to find my blog.

One of the more recent ones was “shrink ray breasts”. On the Google search result page, my blog was the 3rd one down. I mentioned the phrase “shrink ray” in one entry and the word breasts in a completely different entry (probably more than one). I also noticed that on the first page of the search results, all 10 web sites were similar in that the words shrink ray and breasts are mentioned separately.

It has me wondering, just what was this person looking for when he decided to Google the phrase “shrink ray breasts”?

Also, if I was going to have a pair of breasts that I could use as a weapon, I think that I would rather have a pair that shot a death ray, or at least a stun ray. Of course, X-ray breasts would be a hell of a lot of fun too.

1 comment:

TagBagger said...

Its always amazing to me, some of the word search choices that Google directs to my blog. Google seems to work so well otherwise, but Shrink Ray Breasts????