Monday, June 26, 2006

My Morning Song

Many mornings I wake up with a song playing in my head. It doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason to it. It could be a song I heard the day before, a song I haven't heard in years, or anywhere in between. It could be a song I really like, really don't like, really don't give a crap about either way, or hardly even know.

I figured for the hell of it, I'd start posting them here.

Today's song was Kim Wilde's "Kids In America". I couldn't get into the shower and get the iPod going fast enough to get it out of my head. Actually, I really don't mind it that much, but I don't ever need to hear it again either. I'll classify it as a "don't give a crap about either way".

And yes, the title of this entry was borrowed from the title of a "Black Crowes" song.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Here We Go Again

It’s that time of year again. The sun is out, the weather is warm, the water is cool and refreshing, and people are drowning. Could someone please explain this to me? Because I just don’t fucking get it.

I’m not a great swimmer, but I’ve been able to keep myself afloat and get around in water for as long as I can remember. No one ever taught me how to do it, I just got in the water and figured it out, so I have a very difficult time trying to figure out how people keep drowning themselves.

Now I can see being in a boat on the ocean, or a raft on a wildly rapid river, and somehow getting dumped overboard and not making it to shore alive. In the former, you can only stay afloat for so long before you get tired out and give up, and in the latter, it could be very difficult to keep from getting swallowed up by the rapids.

But how the hell do all these people keep managing to do it to themselves in small lakes and ponds, and even pools? Like I said before, I can’t fathom (no pun intended) not being able to swim. If I’m in a lake or pond and I can see land, I can get back to it. And hell, if I’m in a pool, I can stand up in it and the water only comes up to my waist. Even if it’s a pool with a deep end, I’m only a few feet away from the shallow end.

So it makes absolutely no sense to me why everyone can’t do this. But apparently this is the case, and if you happen to be one of those people who can’t do it, then why the fuck are you out on a lake?

I don’t care if you’re on a boat, or a canoe, you can’t swim, you shouldn’t be on something that could tip over and dump you into the water. Or at the very least, you should be wearing a life jacket so if it does happen, you can stay afloat and get yourself back to shore.

Just another example of how dumb people can be. I just don’t get it.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Happiness Is A Warm Gun, And A $200 Gift Card To Target

So, yesterday was the first day of Mayor Menino’s new gun buyback program here in Boston. Turn in your gun, receive a $200 gift card to Target. Sunday night a man was shot and killed in Dorchester. Last night 4 people were shot, one dead, and another person was stabbed to death.

The good news is, 40 guns were turned in to local police yesterday. The bad news, we’re currently on a pace to surpass last year’s homicide total of 75.

The way I see it, people are going to turn in some guns and take the 200. But some of them are going to get their last shots off before they do. Or even worse, they're going to start killing each other for their guns, so they can keep their own gun and turn in someone else's.

Oh, and the stabbing? That guy probably figured, I’ll take the 200, my knife will work just as good.

I wonder how much he can get for the knife.