Friday, April 28, 2006

Keeping It All In Perspective

Exxon Mobile Corp has made 8.4 billion dollars in the first quarter of this year. That’s so much damn money that it’s easier to write out “8.4 billion” then to try to figure out how many zeros that is.

I’m paying more for gas right now (almost $3.00 a gallon) then I’ve ever paid in my life (as is everyone else), and the world's largest oil company just pulled in the fifth highest quarterly profit for any public company in history. I just don’t know what to make of that.

I do know this though; it’s been quite some time since anyone has complained to me that they pay too much for their cable.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Another Columbine Tragedy

This is the dream I had last night.

I was watching the news. On the 7th anniversary of the Columbine Tragedy, the high school suffered another one. Authorities had determined that everyone had gotten out of the school this time and made it to safety except for one student, who was still inside and being held hostage. As near as they could tell, the culprit was a chicken.

A standoff ensued and was now being covered live. The chicken was not talking, it had not made any demands and no one knew what its agenda was or where it had even come from.

After a couple of hours it seemed as though the chicken had had enough. Apparently, it was not interested in giving in peacefully though, because instead of giving up the hostage and surrendering, it decided to make a break for it. It left the hostage inside and came charging out the front door headed towards the crowd, where, unfortunately it was gunned down by police.

The school was shut down for a couple of days and grief counseling was again offered to students and families. The only one who used it this time was the student, who was having a very difficult time coming to grips with the fact that he was a complete loser for being held hostage by a chicken.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

2006 Boston Marathon

After 39 years of living within a mile of the Boston Marathon route, I finally made it out to my first one yesterday. My friend Chris, who comments here as CC, was running in his first one. He was running to raise money for the Aids Action Committee, and we went out to cheer him on around the 21-mile mark.

If I’m reading the website correctly it looks like he finished in 4 hours, 5 minutes, and 52 seconds, an impressive feat.


I’d also like to extend my congratulations to everyone else who ran it, no matter how long it took them, and those who had the guts to try it, no matter how far they got.

This being my first marathon, I have to say I was not only amazed by the runners, but also by the people supporting the runners.

The spot we were in, right at the bottom of Heartbreak Hill, was packed with people, even 4 hours after the race began. We were there for about an hour, and during that time we were surrounded by people who were maniacally cheering on complete strangers.

It’s one thing to go to a ballgame and route for your team. Sure these people are pretty much strangers, but we know their names, know a little bit about them, and know that they play for the team we are rooting for.

In this case, just about every runner is a face in the crowd. Someone they have never seen before and will never see again. There were other people like us there, people who were waiting for a particular runner to come by so they could show them some support. But there were hundreds of people who were just rooting for everyone that went by.

It was constant cheering the entire time we were there. I’ve been at Fenway during a World Series and I’m not even sure the cheering during that was as consistent and unfaltering as what I heard during that hour yesterday.

I imagine that it’s like this along the entire 26 miles, and hearing that for the entire run must be an incredible boost for the runners. So, regardless of their motives for being there, they are there, and I have to believe that there are runners who finished when they might not have, finished faster than they might have, or maybe got a lot further than they would have, because these people were out there doing their thing, and they deserve some credit for that.

My hat goes off to all the marathon supporters.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Road Rash

Can anyone please tell me why so many people who are most likely reasonably intelligent and good-natured, become completely ignorant and inconsiderate fucktards when they get behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle?

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Fantastic Four Review

I finally got around to watching the Fantastic Four movie last night and here's my review:

That movie totally sucked. Jessica Alba is really hot.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Game 2

I'm not going to disect every game, but I thought it was important to followup on last nights fiasco after the great start we had on Monday.

Tim Wakefield is one of the few none question marks we have on this team. We know what we're going to get from him every season, maybe not every game, but every season. Nine times out of ten he's going to go out there and give this offense a chance to win the game. Every once in a while he's going to go out there and have a game like he did last night. No big deal. It sucks that it had to happen in the second game of the season on the heals of that great start by Schilling, it definitely gets magnified this early, but at the same time, it's a little easier to take, because of the great start by Schilling.

For everyone who's getting all over Josh Bard, I'd like to remind you that Mirabelli started out the same way. He didn't just become Wakefield's personal catcher and start handling the knuckleball smoothly overnight. In fact, he wasn't even his personal catcher right away, and when it was decided that's what he would do, it took him some time and a lot of hard work and practice (with different gloves) before he was able to do it. I'm not saying Bard is going to be great at it, but we can't start worrying about not having Mirabelli after one game.

Every once in a while Manny has a night where he looks completely clueless at the plate, and last night seemed to be one of them. I know he saw about 30 pitches for the night, fouling off a ton of them, including that 10-12 pitch at bat, and most people will say those were good at bats, and that may be true for a lot of hitters, but that's not Manny. When Manny's on he hits the ball, he doesn't foul them off like that. That wasn't a case of him fouling off tough pitches, it was a case of him not getting good wood on the ball.

Another big game tonight as we get our first look at Beckett and find out what he's got for us.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

KFC (Not Just Fried Chicken)

Is KFC (formerly known as Kentucky Fried Chicken) running a family restaurant or an adult nightclub?

Is it just me, or is there something not right about the names of their meals?

I can go into a KFC establishment and order a “Strip” or a “Breast”. I can have a seat and order a “Laptop”. If that’s not going to be enough for me I can go ahead and get myself the “Zinger Works”. If I’m still not satisfied I can go for the “Extreme”. And if I’m feeling particularly kinky that night I can just order myself up a “Twister” or even a “Twister Combo”.

KFC, they’re not just fried chicken anymore.