Thursday, May 15, 2008

Playing To Win

I’m not sure that I get this political stuff. After spending over a year campaigning for the 2008 Democratic Presidential nomination, John Edwards gets his ass kicked in the first month of primary voting, including his own home state of North Carolina, and drops out of the race before January is even over. Yesterday, after waiting until it was a sure bet and safe to do so, he throws his support behind Barak Obama. I’m not questioning his decision to play it safe, hey why not, in 2004, however close it may have been, he lost his bid for the office of vice president, and this year he got stomped in his attempt to become the Democratic Presidential nominee. He might as well wait until it’s a sure bet so he can guarantee himself that he’ll come out on the winning side for once.

What I don’t understand is, why would a guy who has practically wrapped up the Democratic Presidential nomination want to have the support of a two-time loser?

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