Thursday, April 12, 2007

Buy These Tickets or I'll Kill You

According to this article, a convicted murderer was arrested for scalping tickets outside Fenway last night. Listed among the contents found is his pockets were the following:

two tickets to a Red Sox game against the New York Yankees on June 2; three tickets for a Toronto Blue Jays game on July 13; and 16 tickets for Wednesday night's Celtics game against the Philadelphia 76ers

What a dumbass, did he really think that he was going to actually make money on those 16 Celtic tickets?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice how the maximum fine the lame-ass justice system will provide for scalping tickets for more than face value is $500.

Scalp one fucking monster seat and you've made your money back.

Scalp a monster seat against the Yanks and you'll probably clear $2000.

Yeah, they're serious about "cracking down" all right.

(Did I mention that I haven't been to a game in about 4 years?)