Friday, April 27, 2007

Blood On My Guitar

My company held a blood drive today at our building. I remember a long time ago trying to donate blood and being rejected. I could not remember why I was rejected, but I’ve had it in my head ever since that I am unable to give blood.

Seeing as it was the “Safety Committee” that was sponsoring the blood drive, and I’m a member, I figured it was my duty to try to give blood again. Actually it was more to spare myself the embarrassment of showing up at our next meeting having not given blood at the event that our committee was sponsoring.

So, I went out to the truck and got started with the tests. The first test they do is to prick your finger and take a small sample of blood to make sure there is enough iron in it, which I passed. Next was to take my temperature, which was normal. As the phlebotomist was taking my blood pressure it suddenly dawned on me why I was rejected the last time I tried to give blood.

I’ve been battling high blood pressure for my entire adult life. It’s always been right around the borderline of high, sometimes a little below, sometimes a little above. Today was a high day and I was rejected, again.

You may be asking yourself, what the hell does any of this have to do with blood on my guitar? Well, the first test they did involved pricking my finger. When I got home tonight and started playing guitar the little prick hole started to bleed. I then realized that I was unable to give blood and I had been pricked for nothing.

Why don’t they take your blood pressure before they give you the prick?

Friday, April 20, 2007

When Will They Learn?

I was watching one of Kyla’s kid shows with her yesterday. A high school kid takes an interest in a girl in the school. Instead of just approaching her and starting a conversation, he decides to find out what she’s interested in and then pretends to have the same interests.

He shows up in her karate class and proceeds to get decked by her on her first move. He then gets involved in a conversation with her in which he lies to her about horseback riding and gets her to believe that he knows French by repeating the one phrase he learned.

When will men learn? Don’t these TV characters watch TV? Don’t they see that these types of things never work out? You can not build a relationship that is based on lies. In this case, as in most, it will only be a matter of days before she finds out that she can beat him up with one hand, that the only horse he’s ever ridden was plastic and attached to a pole, and that the only other French phrase he knows is "Le Pew", thanks to the cartoon skunk.

Do guys actually try this in real life? I never did, I wasn’t all that bright when it came to women back then, but I was smart enough to know that something like that wasn’t going to work. My strategy was the exact opposite, I always told them the truth.

That didn’t seem to work out very well either though. Apparently most women did not like to hear what I was “interested in”. I guess the truth hurts; maybe I should have lied to them.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Buy These Tickets or I'll Kill You

According to this article, a convicted murderer was arrested for scalping tickets outside Fenway last night. Listed among the contents found is his pockets were the following:

two tickets to a Red Sox game against the New York Yankees on June 2; three tickets for a Toronto Blue Jays game on July 13; and 16 tickets for Wednesday night's Celtics game against the Philadelphia 76ers

What a dumbass, did he really think that he was going to actually make money on those 16 Celtic tickets?

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Backup Caused By Lost Load

This morning as I was getting ready for work, I saw this headline on the news. My first instinct was to think, “That’s not right, a lost load should be clearing a backup, not causing one.” At least that’s always been my experience.

Then the story came on, a tractor-trailer rolled over on I-495, spilling its contents all over the road and causing a traffic jam.

That’s when I realized that it’s all in the context.

That’s also when I realized that it could go either way in the context that I had in mind when I first saw it. Sure a lost load could clear out a backup in the place it is lost from, but it could also cause a backup in the place that received it. I know plenty of mine certainly have.