Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Effa Manley

I'm not sure what to make of this, if there's anything to make of it at all. I felt it was at least necessary to point out. The first female to be elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame is named Manley.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Still President

I woke up this morning and George Bush was still President of the United States.

One of these mornings I'm going to wake up and this will no longer be the case. It may not be until about 3 years from now, but it will happen.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

It's Been a Good Week

When it rains it pours. I go over a week without posting anything and then 2 posts in one day.

Nazi homophobe Jacob Robida ended his miserable existence. I’m saddened that a state trooper had to die in the process, but I was hoping that this thing would end in his death so no one would have to go through the bullshit of a trial.

The cops finally figured out what the rest of us knew all along and arrested British scumbag Neil Entwistle for the murder of his wife and child.

The Red Sox affiliated Lowell Spinners began a campaign to eliminate the name Yankees from all youth baseball leagues across New England. They will pay for all replacement jerseys for any team that changes from the Yankees to the Spinners, as well as allow each team to play one of their games in the Spinners ballpark.

Good for them, I hope it works, and it’s about time it happened. How can we teach our young Sox fans to properly hate the Yankees when half the leagues in New England are still featuring Yankee teams? I had to suffer the indignity myself as a kid and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

And finally, U2 and Green Day struck back for the rockers last night at the Grammy’s, putting an end, at least temporarily, to the reign of rap and pop.

I'm Back

Before I started this blog, it seemed like every day I had something I wanted to write about. I kept putting the blog off because I was afraid that as soon as I started it, I would run out of things to say. I finally said, “to hell with it”, and started the damn thing. And of course, I quickly ran out of things to say.

I’ve decided that I’m not going to fill it with crap, just to put something on here on a regular basis. Yeah, I know, the name of the blog is “Primarily Crap”, but there’s interesting crap and then there’s crappy crap, and even a site dedicated to crap has its limits.

So anyway, my apologies if you’re reading this and I’m not updating enough.

In the meantime, this morning I finally got around to catching up on the other blogs I read and found out I’ve been tagged. That means that my name was at the bottom of this list so I have to make one of my own. This is the kind of stuff that I used to get in email all the time, now I guess it’s making its way around blogs. Seeing as I haven’t written anything in a while, I figured I might as well do it.

4 jobs I’ve had:
1. Computer Operator (MIT)
2. Wholesale Diamond Transporter
3. Retail Associate (Bed & Bath)
4. Audit Supervisor (Comcast) 16 years this Sunday

Wholesale Diamond Transporter is not as exciting as it may sound. I did see a dead guy once, oh wait, that was when I was working at Bed & Bath.

4 movies I can watch over and over
1. Bull Durham
2. The Princess Bride
3. The Lord of the Rings trilogy
4. Star Trek movies 2-6

Hey, I squeezed 10 movies into a list of 4

4 places I have lived
1. 1st floor of my parents house
2. 2nd floor of my parents house
3. basement of my parents house
4. back to 1rst floor of my parents house

Yeah, I get around

4 TV shows I love
1. Battlestar Galactica
2. Lost
3. 24
4. The Office

4 places I’ve vacationed
1. Bermuda
2. Ft. Lauderdale
3. Cape Cod
4. LA and San Diego

4 of my favorite dishes
1. pizza
2. I’m not big on food so I’m done with this one

4 sites I visit daily
1. Boston Dirt Dogs
2. Rotoworld
3. Boston Globe
4. Sci-Fi Wire

4 places I’d rather be right now
1. Fenway Park
2. I don’t know, I guess I’m fine where I am

4 people I am tagging
1. Penny
2. Kristen
3. Frank
4. Chris

Assuming you’re all still reading my blog, you can just post in the comments.