Sunday, May 28, 2006

Andrew Morbitzer WTF

Okay, so Barry Bonds finally hit #715 today and passed "The Babe". Whatever, you all know how I feel about Bonds and about this achievement so I'm not going to say anymore about it here. What's done is done, and like it or not, we have to live with it.

What I really want to talk about is this Andrew Morbitzer guy. This is the guy that ended up with the ball. He's a Bonds fan. Again, whatever, that's his problem and although I don't get that, I get this even less.

If you've seen the replays, you've seen that the ball bounced off a couple of fans before landing on an elevated platform, rolling off the roof, and dropping down toward a concession stand where Morbitzer was waiting in line for beer. He claims he heard the roar of the crowd, saw people reaching in the air, and then reached up with one hand and snagged the ball as it was dropping off the roof.

So, what don't I get? This guy claims he's a Bonds fan. He was even wearing a shirt that said "Bonds 715" on it. Yet when Bonds is coming up to the plate to take another shot at getting that 715, this guy is down at the concession stands getting a beer.


How can that happen? Can someone please explain it to me?

He claims that he was in the bleachers where he couldn't see who was up next, so he decided it was a good time to go get a beer. Huh? I don't care where your sitting in a ballpark, there's always somewhere to find out who's up next. If you're paying even a little bit of attention to the game, you have to know that Bonds AB is coming up shortly and this is probably not a good time to go get a beer. Although, obviously for this guy, it was the perfect time to go get a beer, and a ball that's probably going to be worth more than any other baseball in history up to this point.

So, a lot of people will probably say that this guy was in the right place at the right time. I say that he was in the wrong place at the right time. It really just doesn't make any sense, but hey, he's the one with the multi-million dollar ball and I'm not, so who am I to argue.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions

I admit it; I’ve been a little annoyed with Bruce lately. He put “The E Street Band” back together in the late ‘90’s’ and toured with them. He then recorded an album with them in ‘02’ and toured with them again. The greatest rock ‘n’ roll band in the world was back and kicking ass, and I was damn happy about it.

Then, just like that, he ditches them again, records another solo album, and proceeds to go on tour without them.

Despite the fact that Bruce’s music is heavily rooted in, and influenced by folk, I’m not really a big fan of it. So when I heard that his newest album was going to be a collection of songs that were written or made famous by Pete Seeger I wasn’t all that thrilled. This was 2 in a row now without the band. When was he going to get them back together? For the first time since “The River” I didn’t rush out and get the new album the day it was released. I finally picked it up yesterday and after listening to it this morning I realized I had made a mistake.

All I can say is, WOW! Folks, this is not folk. The best I can describe it is a funky combination of folk, bluegrass, gospel, rockabilly, and Dixieland. He’s put together a collection of talented musicians backing him playing horns, violin, banjo, accordion, and keyboards. The only “E Streeters” are Patty on backup vocals and Soozie on violin.

When Bruce covers something, it’s always his own interpretation. It never sounds like the original, and this is no different. This is not your daddy’s Pete Seeger and it seems like the type of thing that only Bruce could pull off.

I love it, and I’m not the only one. When I first put it on this morning, Kyla came running over and grabbed onto me, which is her way of showing that she likes something.

So, while I’m still waiting for “The E Street Band” to get back together, I’ll be listening to “The Seeger Sessions” and Kyla will be listening with me.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Do You Have Cancer?

If you come to me claiming you have cancer and you need money, you'd better be prepared to show me medical bills to back up your story.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Stones Lyrics

I will be your knight in shining armour
Riding across the desert
On a fine Arab charger

That can't be too comfortable.